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Purchasing SQL Anywhere 12


Where does one go to purchase additional Version 12 Licenses ?

I went to the but it looks like only version 16 and 17 is offered.


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SQL Anywhere 12 support has been EOL'ed at the end of 2016, so it's reasonable it's no more available from SAP.

I'm just another customer, so you should clearly ask your sales contact but IMVHO the v16 product license contains a (limited) "downgrade option", see article 4 ("Election to Use Prior Version of SQL Anywhere Components.").

As stated, that's just my understanding.


I can confirm Volkers's statement. We use this "downgrading" process for many of our clients. They always buy licences for the "latest and greatest ™" version, but in the process of creating a licence key thru the Support Launchpad we select the version they currently use as target (with the option to later create a key for the purchased version when the time for upgrading has come).