on 2011 Dec 12 4:13 AM
Hi everyone! Sorry for my English - it's not my native language... We have a problem with our ASA9 ( server, 2 months ago we update it from ASA7 - before that we have no problems. Now it crashed 5 times at last month with error: code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back". And nobody can connect to server - but it still running! This error repeated while we not stop server and then run it...
Write cache in virtual OS windows - disabled - but on devices its enabled...
Hardware configuration:
We check iSCSI logs but there is no warning and error messages... Event Log in Windows is clear too and have only ASA9 messages... When will the fall - before making a restart - we'll see the console log... May be something there - that can help us...
Controller Status : Optimal Channel description : SAS/SATA Controller Model : Adaptec 51645 Controller Serial Number : 8A15103C4AF Physical Slot : 3 Temperature : 54 C/ 129 F (Normal) Installed memory : 512 MB Copyback : Disabled Background consistency check : Disabled Automatic Failover : Enabled Global task priority : High Performance Mode : Default/Dynamic Stayawake period : Disabled Spinup limit internal drives : 0 Spinup limit external drives : 0 Defunct disk drive count : 0 Logical devices/Failed/Degraded : 1/0/0 SSDs assigned to MaxIQ Cache pool : 0 Maximum SSDs allowed in MaxIQ Cache pool : 8 MaxIQ Read Cache Pool Size : 0.000 GB MaxIQ cache fetch rate : 0 MaxIQ Cache Read, Write Balance Factor : 3,1 NCQ status : Enabled Statistics data collection mode : Enabled Controller Version Information BIOS : 5.2-0 (17911) Firmware : 5.2-0 (17911) Driver : 1.1-7 (28000) Boot Flash : 5.2-0 (17911) Controller Battery Information Status : Optimal Over temperature : No Capacity remaining : 99 percent Time remaining (at current draw) : 1 days, 19 hours, 55 minutes
Our logs:
11/29 17:09:59.191 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_GETDATA Crsr=65701 11/29 17:09:59.191 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_GETDATA 11/29 17:09:59.191 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_GETDATA Crsr=65701 11/29 17:09:59.191 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_GETDATA 11/29 17:09:59.192 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_GETDATA Crsr=65701 11/29 17:09:59.192 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_GETDATA 11/29 17:09:59.192 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_GETDATA Crsr=65701 11/29 17:09:59.192 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_GETDATA 11/29 17:09:59.193 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_GETDATA Crsr=65701 11/29 17:09:59.193 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_GETDATA 11/29 17:09:59.193 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 ROW_DESCRIPTOR Crsr=65701 11/29 17:09:59.193 ** DONE conn: 2386 ROW_DESCRIPTOR 11/29 17:09:59.193 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_FETCH Crsr=65701, Count=1, Offset=1 (relative) 11/29 17:09:59.193 ** WARNING conn: 2386 code: 100 "Row not found" 11/29 17:09:59.193 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_FETCH 11/29 17:09:59.193 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_PREFETCH Crsr=65701 11/29 17:09:59.193 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_PREFETCH 11/29 17:09:59.193 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_RESUME Crsr=65701 11/29 17:09:59.193 ** WARNING conn: 2386 code: 105 "Procedure has completed" 11/29 17:09:59.193 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_RESUME 11/29 17:09:59.194 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_CLOSE Crsr=65701 11/29 17:09:59.194 ** PLAN conn: 2386 vessel<vessel> 11/29 17:09:59.194 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_CLOSE 11/29 17:09:59.194 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 COMMIT 11/29 17:09:59.194 ** DONE conn: 2386 COMMIT 11/29 17:09:59.215 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 STMT_DROP Stmt=65700 11/29 17:09:59.215 ** DONE conn: 2386 STMT_DROP 11/29 17:09:59.215 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 STMT_PREPARE "select max(ve_lastchanged) from DBA.veseventlog" 11/29 17:09:59.215 ** DONE conn: 2386 STMT_PREPARE Stmt=65702 11/29 17:09:59.215 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT Stmt=-1 11/29 17:09:59.215 ** DONE conn: 2386 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT 11/29 17:09:59.215 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT Stmt=-1 11/29 17:09:59.215 ** DONE conn: 2386 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT 11/29 17:09:59.215 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 STMT_EXECUTE Stmt=-1 11/29 17:09:59.215 ** WARNING conn: 2386 code: 111 "Statement cannot be executed" 11/29 17:09:59.215 ** DONE conn: 2386 STMT_EXECUTE 11/29 17:09:59.217 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_OPEN Stmt=65702 11/29 17:09:59.217 ** PLAN conn: 2386 GrByS[ veseventlog<seq> ] 11/29 17:09:59.217 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_OPEN Crsr=65703 11/29 17:09:59.219 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 ROW_DESCRIPTOR Crsr=65703 11/29 17:09:59.219 ** DONE conn: 2386 ROW_DESCRIPTOR 11/29 17:09:59.219 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_FETCH Crsr=65703, Count=0, Offset=1 (relative) 11/29 17:09:59.229 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_FETCH 11/29 17:09:59.229 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_GETDATA Crsr=65703 11/29 17:09:59.229 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_GETDATA 11/29 17:09:59.229 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 ROW_DESCRIPTOR Crsr=65703 11/29 17:09:59.229 ** DONE conn: 2386 ROW_DESCRIPTOR 11/29 17:09:59.229 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_FETCH Crsr=65703, Count=1, Offset=1 (relative) 11/29 17:09:59.229 ** WARNING conn: 2386 code: 100 "Row not found" 11/29 17:09:59.229 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_FETCH 11/29 17:09:59.229 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_PREFETCH Crsr=65703 11/29 17:09:59.229 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_PREFETCH 11/29 17:09:59.230 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_RESUME Crsr=65703 11/29 17:09:59.230 ** WARNING conn: 2386 code: 105 "Procedure has completed" 11/29 17:09:59.230 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_RESUME 11/29 17:09:59.230 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 CURSOR_CLOSE Crsr=65703 11/29 17:09:59.230 ** PLAN conn: 2386 GrByS[ veseventlog<seq> ] 11/29 17:09:59.230 ** DONE conn: 2386 CURSOR_CLOSE 11/29 17:09:59.230 ** REQUEST conn: 2386 COMMIT 11/29 17:09:59.230 ** DONE conn: 2386 COMMIT 11/29 17:10:16.393 ** REQUEST conn: 2133 STMT_DROP Stmt=101708 11/29 17:10:16.393 ** DONE conn: 2133 STMT_DROP 11/29 17:10:16.393 ** REQUEST conn: 2133 COMMIT 11/29 17:10:16.393 ** DONE conn: 2133 COMMIT 11/29 17:10:16.405 ** REQUEST conn: 2133 DISCONNECT 11/29 17:10:16.448 ** ERROR conn: 2133 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 11/29 17:10:14.314 ** ERROR conn: 2133 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 11/29 17:10:55.803 ** REQUEST conn: 2387 CONNECT 11/29 17:10:55.803 ** ERROR conn: 2387 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 11/29 17:10:55.804 ** ERROR conn: 2387 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 11/29 17:11:03.226 ** REQUEST conn: 2388 CONNECT 11/29 17:11:03.226 ** ERROR conn: 2388 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 11/29 17:11:03.226 ** ERROR conn: 2388 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 11/29 17:11:14.917 ** REQUEST conn: 2389 CONNECT
12/01 12:46:04.553 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_USE_PREFETCH Crsr=94544 12/01 12:46:04.553 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_USE_PREFETCH 12/01 12:46:04.553 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_RESUME Crsr=94544 12/01 12:46:04.553 ** WARNING conn: 7 code: 105 "Procedure has completed" 12/01 12:46:04.553 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_RESUME 12/01 12:46:04.553 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_CLOSE Crsr=94544 12/01 12:46:04.553 ** PLAN conn: 7 [S]department<department> 12/01 12:46:04.554 ** PLAN conn: 7 department<department> 12/01 12:46:04.554 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_CLOSE 12/01 12:48:28.967 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DROP Stmt=94543 12/01 12:48:28.967 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DROP 12/01 12:48:28.967 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_PREPARE [large string unavailable] 12/01 12:48:28.967 ** EXTRA conn: 7 select "employee"."emp_tabnum", "employee"."emp_lastname", "employee"."emp_firstname", "employee"."emp_secondname", "employee"."emp_birthdate", "employee"."emp_id" eid, "emprank"."pos_id", "emprank"."dept_id" d_id, "emprank"."emp_startdate", "emprank"."emp_findate", sf_getdept("employee"."emp_id", dateadd(month, 1, '2011-11-01')) prev_dept, sf_dept_id(IsNull(prev_dept, "emprank"."dept_id")) prev_dptid FROM employee JOIN emprank /* сотрудники + принятые в тек. месяце */ WHERE ( ("emprank"."emp_startdate" < dateadd(month, 1, ?) and ("emprank"."emp_findate" >= dateadd(month, -1, ?) or "emprank"."emp_findate" is NULL ) and dept_id <> -1) or /* уволенные в предыдущем и текущем месяце*/ ( "emprank"."emp_startdate" >= dateadd(month, -1, ?) and "emprank"."emp_startdate" < dateadd(month, 1, ?) and "emp_findate" is NULL and dept_id = -1 ) ) and "emprank"."emp_startdate" = (SELECT MAX (emp_startdate) FROM emprank WHERE emp_id = eid and emp_startdate < dateadd(month, 1, ?) and dept_id <> -1) 12/01 12:48:28.967 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_PREPARE Stmt=94545 12/01 12:48:28.967 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT Stmt=-1 12/01 12:48:28.969 ** PLAN conn: 7 SYSPROCPARM<SYSPROCPARM> 12/01 12:48:28.969 ** PLAN conn: 7 SYSPROCEDURE<procedure_name> 12/01 12:48:28.969 ** PLAN conn: 7 SYSPROCPARM<SYSPROCPARM> 12/01 12:48:28.969 ** PLAN conn: 7 SYSPROCEDURE<procedure_name> 12/01 12:48:28.969 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT 12/01 12:48:28.969 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT Stmt=-1 12/01 12:48:28.969 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT 12/01 12:48:28.970 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_OPEN Stmt=94545 12/01 12:48:28.970 ** HOSTVAR conn: 7 0 timestamp '2011-11-01 00:00:00.000000' 12/01 12:48:28.970 ** HOSTVAR conn: 7 1 timestamp '2011-11-01 00:00:00.000000' 12/01 12:48:28.970 ** HOSTVAR conn: 7 2 timestamp '2011-11-01 00:00:00.000000' 12/01 12:48:28.970 ** HOSTVAR conn: 7 3 timestamp '2011-11-01 00:00:00.000000' 12/01 12:48:28.970 ** HOSTVAR conn: 7 4 timestamp '2011-11-01 00:00:00.000000' 12/01 12:48:28.971 ** PLAN conn: 7 employee<seq> JNL emprank<fk_employee_emprank> : GrByS[ emprank<fk_employee_emprank> ] 12/01 12:48:28.971 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_OPEN Crsr=94546 12/01 12:48:28.973 ** REQUEST conn: 7 ROW_DESCRIPTOR Crsr=94546 12/01 12:48:28.973 ** DONE conn: 7 ROW_DESCRIPTOR 12/01 12:48:28.973 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_FETCH Crsr=94546, Count=963, Offset=1 (relative) 12/01 12:48:28.973 ** PLAN conn: 7 [0]emprank<emprank> : GrByS[ RL[ emprank<emprank> ] ] 12/01 12:48:29.013 ** ERROR conn: 7 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/01 12:48:50.895 ** ERROR conn: 7 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/01 12:48:36.361 ** REQUEST conn: 83 CONNECT 12/01 12:48:36.361 ** ERROR conn: 83 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/01 12:48:36.361 ** ERROR conn: 83 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/01 12:50:06.015 ** REQUEST conn: 84 CONNECT
12/07 17:16:09.047 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_CLOSE Crsr=136616 12/07 17:16:09.047 ** PLAN conn: 7 Work[ DistH[ qp<ix_consultant_query_text> JNL qi<ix_consultant_query_text> JNLO s<SYSINDEX> JNL i<ix_consultant_index> ] ] 12/07 17:16:09.047 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_CLOSE 12/07 17:16:09.047 ** REQUEST conn: 14 COMMIT 12/07 17:16:09.047 ** DONE conn: 14 COMMIT 12/07 17:16:09.047 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DROP Stmt=136615 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DROP 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_PREPARE [large string unavailable] 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** EXTRA conn: 7 select distinct qi.index_id, qi.table_id, num_pages, qp.current_score, is_clustered, cluster_score, is_virtual from dbo.ix_consultant_query_phase qp natural join dbo.ix_consultant_query_index qi natural join dbo.ix_consultant_index i left outer join SYS.SYSINDEX s on s.table_id = qi.table_id and s.index_id = qi.index_id where qi.phase_id = 1 and qi.text_id = 516508976 and qi.master_id = 1 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_PREPARE Stmt=136617 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT Stmt=-1 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT Stmt=-1 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_EXECUTE Stmt=-1 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** WARNING conn: 7 code: 111 "Statement cannot be executed" 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_EXECUTE 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** REQUEST conn: 14 COMMIT 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** DONE conn: 14 COMMIT 12/07 17:16:09.049 ** REQUEST conn: 14 COMMIT 12/07 17:16:09.049 ** DONE conn: 14 COMMIT 12/07 17:16:09.049 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_OPEN Stmt=136617 12/07 17:16:09.049 ** PLAN conn: 7 Work[ DistH[ qp<ix_consultant_query_text> JNL qi<ix_consultant_query_text> JNLO s<SYSINDEX> JNL i<ix_consultant_index> ] ] 12/07 17:16:09.049 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_OPEN Crsr=136618 12/07 17:16:09.049 ** REQUEST conn: 14 DISCONNECT 12/07 17:16:09.050 ** REQUEST conn: 7 ROW_DESCRIPTOR Crsr=136618 12/07 17:16:09.050 ** DONE conn: 7 ROW_DESCRIPTOR 12/07 17:16:09.050 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_FETCH Crsr=136618, Count=33, Offset=1 (relative) 12/07 17:16:09.050 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_FETCH 12/07 17:16:09.050 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_PREFETCH Crsr=136618 12/07 17:16:09.050 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_PREFETCH 12/07 17:16:53.097 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_CLOSE Crsr=136618 12/07 17:16:53.097 ** PLAN conn: 7 Work[ DistH[ qp<ix_consultant_query_text> JNL qi<ix_consultant_query_text> JNLO s<SYSINDEX> JNL i<ix_consultant_index> ] ] 12/07 17:16:53.097 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_CLOSE 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DROP Stmt=136617 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DROP 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_PREPARE [large string unavailable] 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** EXTRA conn: 7 select distinct qi.index_id, qi.table_id, num_pages, qp.current_score, is_clustered, cluster_score, is_virtual from dbo.ix_consultant_query_phase qp natural join dbo.ix_consultant_query_index qi natural join dbo.ix_consultant_index i left outer join SYS.SYSINDEX s on s.table_id = qi.table_id and s.index_id = qi.index_id where qi.phase_id = 1 and qi.text_id = 761592853 and qi.master_id = 1 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_PREPARE Stmt=136619 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT Stmt=-1 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT Stmt=-1 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_EXECUTE Stmt=-1 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** WARNING conn: 7 code: 111 "Statement cannot be executed" 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_EXECUTE 12/07 17:16:12.954 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_OPEN Stmt=136619 12/07 17:16:12.954 ** ERROR conn: 7 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/07 17:16:12.955 ** ERROR conn: 7 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/07 17:16:53.486 ** ERROR conn: 14 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/07 17:16:13.341 ** ERROR conn: 14 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/07 17:16:14.566 ** REQUEST conn: 19 CONNECT 12/07 17:16:09.047 ** PLAN conn: 7 Work[ DistH[ qp<ix_consultant_query_text> JNL qi<ix_consultant_query_text> JNLO s<SYSINDEX> JNL i<ix_consultant_index> ] ] 12/07 17:16:09.047 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_CLOSE 12/07 17:16:09.047 ** REQUEST conn: 14 COMMIT 12/07 17:16:09.047 ** DONE conn: 14 COMMIT 12/07 17:16:09.047 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DROP Stmt=136615 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DROP 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_PREPARE [large string unavailable] 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** EXTRA conn: 7 select distinct qi.index_id, qi.table_id, num_pages, qp.current_score, is_clustered, cluster_score, is_virtual from dbo.ix_consultant_query_phase qp natural join dbo.ix_consultant_query_index qi natural join dbo.ix_consultant_index i left outer join SYS.SYSINDEX s on s.table_id = qi.table_id and s.index_id = qi.index_id where qi.phase_id = 1 and qi.text_id = 516508976 and qi.master_id = 1 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_PREPARE Stmt=136617 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT Stmt=-1 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT Stmt=-1 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_EXECUTE Stmt=-1 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** WARNING conn: 7 code: 111 "Statement cannot be executed" 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_EXECUTE 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** REQUEST conn: 14 COMMIT 12/07 17:16:09.048 ** DONE conn: 14 COMMIT 12/07 17:16:09.049 ** REQUEST conn: 14 COMMIT 12/07 17:16:09.049 ** DONE conn: 14 COMMIT 12/07 17:16:09.049 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_OPEN Stmt=136617 12/07 17:16:09.049 ** PLAN conn: 7 Work[ DistH[ qp<ix_consultant_query_text> JNL qi<ix_consultant_query_text> JNLO s<SYSINDEX> JNL i<ix_consultant_index> ] ] 12/07 17:16:09.049 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_OPEN Crsr=136618 12/07 17:16:09.049 ** REQUEST conn: 14 DISCONNECT 12/07 17:16:09.050 ** REQUEST conn: 7 ROW_DESCRIPTOR Crsr=136618 12/07 17:16:09.050 ** DONE conn: 7 ROW_DESCRIPTOR 12/07 17:16:09.050 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_FETCH Crsr=136618, Count=33, Offset=1 (relative) 12/07 17:16:09.050 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_FETCH 12/07 17:16:09.050 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_PREFETCH Crsr=136618 12/07 17:16:09.050 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_PREFETCH 12/07 17:16:53.097 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_CLOSE Crsr=136618 12/07 17:16:53.097 ** PLAN conn: 7 Work[ DistH[ qp<ix_consultant_query_text> JNL qi<ix_consultant_query_text> JNLO s<SYSINDEX> JNL i<ix_consultant_index> ] ] 12/07 17:16:53.097 ** DONE conn: 7 CURSOR_CLOSE 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DROP Stmt=136617 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DROP 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_PREPARE [large string unavailable] 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** EXTRA conn: 7 select distinct qi.index_id, qi.table_id, num_pages, qp.current_score, is_clustered, cluster_score, is_virtual from dbo.ix_consultant_query_phase qp natural join dbo.ix_consultant_query_index qi natural join dbo.ix_consultant_index i left outer join SYS.SYSINDEX s on s.table_id = qi.table_id and s.index_id = qi.index_id where qi.phase_id = 1 and qi.text_id = 761592853 and qi.master_id = 1 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_PREPARE Stmt=136619 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT Stmt=-1 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT Stmt=-1 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** REQUEST conn: 7 STMT_EXECUTE Stmt=-1 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** WARNING conn: 7 code: 111 "Statement cannot be executed" 12/07 17:16:53.098 ** DONE conn: 7 STMT_EXECUTE 12/07 17:16:12.954 ** REQUEST conn: 7 CURSOR_OPEN Stmt=136619 12/07 17:16:12.954 ** ERROR conn: 7 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/07 17:16:12.955 ** ERROR conn: 7 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/07 17:16:53.486 ** ERROR conn: 14 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/07 17:16:13.341 ** ERROR conn: 14 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/07 17:16:14.566 ** REQUEST conn: 19 CONNECT
12/08 16:10:57.257 ** PLAN conn: 267 [S]DUMMY<seq> 12/08 16:10:57.257 ** PLAN conn: 267 DUMMY<seq> 12/08 16:10:57.257 ** DONE conn: 267 CURSOR_CLOSE 12/08 16:10:57.258 ** REQUEST conn: 267 COMMIT 12/08 16:10:57.258 ** DONE conn: 267 COMMIT 12/08 16:10:57.258 ** REQUEST conn: 267 STMT_DROP Stmt=1512715 12/08 16:10:57.258 ** DONE conn: 267 STMT_DROP 12/08 16:10:57.258 ** REQUEST conn: 267 STMT_PREPARE [large string unavailable] 12/08 16:10:57.258 ** EXTRA conn: 267 SELECT systable.table_name, sysindex.index_id, sysindex.[unique], syscolumn.column_name FROM sys.systable JOIN sys.sysindex JOIN sys.sysixcol JOIN sys.syscolumn WHERE ( ( sysindex.[unique] = 'U' ) OR ( sysindex.[unique] = 'Y' ) ) AND ( ( systable.table_name = 'city' ) ) ORDER BY systable.table_name, sysindex.index_id, sysindex.[unique] 12/08 16:10:57.258 ** DONE conn: 267 STMT_PREPARE Stmt=1512717 12/08 16:10:57.258 ** REQUEST conn: 267 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT Stmt=-1 12/08 16:10:57.259 ** DONE conn: 267 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT 12/08 16:10:57.259 ** REQUEST conn: 267 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT Stmt=-1 12/08 16:10:57.259 ** DONE conn: 267 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT 12/08 16:10:57.259 ** REQUEST conn: 267 CURSOR_OPEN Stmt=1512717 12/08 16:10:57.261 ** PLAN conn: 267 Work[ Sort[ SYSTABLE<table_name> JNL SYSINDEX<SYSTABLE> JNL SYSIXCOL<SYSINDEX> JNL SYSCOLUMN<SYSCOLUMN> ] ] 12/08 16:10:57.261 ** DONE conn: 267 CURSOR_OPEN Crsr=136462 12/08 16:10:57.262 ** REQUEST conn: 267 COMMIT 12/08 16:10:57.262 ** DONE conn: 267 COMMIT 12/08 16:10:57.262 ** REQUEST conn: 267 ROW_DESCRIPTOR Crsr=136462 12/08 16:10:57.262 ** DONE conn: 267 ROW_DESCRIPTOR 12/08 16:10:57.262 ** REQUEST conn: 267 CURSOR_FETCH Crsr=136462, Count=1, Offset=1 (relative) 12/08 16:10:57.262 ** WARNING conn: 267 code: 100 "Row not found" 12/08 16:10:57.262 ** DONE conn: 267 CURSOR_FETCH 12/08 16:10:57.262 ** REQUEST conn: 267 CURSOR_PREFETCH Crsr=136462 12/08 16:10:57.262 ** DONE conn: 267 CURSOR_PREFETCH 12/08 16:10:53.122 ** REQUEST conn: 267 CURSOR_CLOSE Crsr=136462 12/08 16:10:53.122 ** PLAN conn: 267 Work[ Sort[ SYSTABLE<table_name> JNL SYSINDEX<SYSTABLE> JNL SYSIXCOL<SYSINDEX> JNL SYSCOLUMN<SYSCOLUMN> ] ] 12/08 16:10:53.122 ** DONE conn: 267 CURSOR_CLOSE 12/08 16:11:03.996 ** REQUEST conn: 267 COMMIT 12/08 16:11:03.996 ** DONE conn: 267 COMMIT 12/08 16:11:03.997 ** REQUEST conn: 267 STMT_PREPARE "SELECT systable.table_name, syscolumn.column_name FROM sys.systable JOIN sys.syscolumn ON systable.table_id = syscolumn.table_id WHERE ( syscolumn.pkey = 'Y' ) AND ( ( systable.table_name = 'city' ) )" 12/08 16:11:03.997 ** DONE conn: 267 STMT_PREPARE Stmt=1578255 12/08 16:11:03.997 ** REQUEST conn: 267 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT Stmt=-1 12/08 16:11:03.997 ** DONE conn: 267 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT 12/08 16:11:03.997 ** REQUEST conn: 267 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT Stmt=-1 12/08 16:11:03.997 ** DONE conn: 267 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT 12/08 16:11:03.997 ** REQUEST conn: 267 CURSOR_OPEN Stmt=1578255 12/08 16:11:03.998 ** PLAN conn: 267 SYSTABLE<table_name> JNL SYSCOLUMN<SYSTABLE> 12/08 16:11:03.998 ** DONE conn: 267 CURSOR_OPEN Crsr=136464 12/08 16:11:03.998 ** ERROR conn: 267 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/08 16:11:03.998 ** ERROR conn: 267 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/08 16:11:04.214 ** ERROR conn: 267 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/08 16:11:39.669 ** ERROR conn: 126 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/08 16:10:57.850 ** ERROR conn: 154 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/08 16:11:04.606 ** ERROR conn: 154 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/08 16:11:00.875 ** ERROR conn: 89 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/08 16:11:07.689 ** ERROR conn: 89 code: -305 "I/O error Fatal error: Unknown device error -- transaction rolled back" 12/08 16:11:11.347 ** REQUEST conn: 270 CONNECT
12/12 16:18:30.411 ** EXTRA conn: 591 SELECT "services"."emp_id" , "services"."service_startdate" , "services"."owner_id" , "services"."rank_code" , "services"."country_code" , "services"."ship_id" , "services"."shipnaming_number" , "services"."service_findate" , "ship"."et_code" , "ship"."shiptype_code" , "ship"."ship_deadweight" , "ship"."ship_power" , "services"."ship_id" || '&' || "services"."shipnaming_number" as "ship_idname", "services"."service_notes" , "services"."service_ukrcrewing" , "services"."emp_bonus" FROM ( "ship_naming" RIGHT OUTER JOIN "services" ON "ship_naming"."ship_id" = "services"."ship_id" AND "ship_naming"."shipnaming_number" = "services"."shipnaming_number" ) , "ship" WHERE ( "ship_naming"."ship_id" = "ship"."ship_id" ) and ( ( "services"."emp_id" = ? ) ) 12/12 16:18:30.411 ** DONE conn: 591 STMT_PREPARE Stmt=66374 12/12 16:18:30.411 ** REQUEST conn: 591 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT Stmt=-1 12/12 16:18:30.411 ** DONE conn: 591 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT 12/12 16:18:30.411 ** REQUEST conn: 591 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT Stmt=-1 12/12 16:18:30.411 ** DONE conn: 591 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT 12/12 16:18:30.412 ** REQUEST conn: 591 CURSOR_OPEN Stmt=66374 12/12 16:18:30.412 ** HOSTVAR conn: 591 0 double '2516' 12/12 16:18:30.412 ** PLAN conn: 591 services<fk_employee_services> JNL ship<ship> 12/12 16:18:30.412 ** DONE conn: 591 CURSOR_OPEN Crsr=66375 12/12 16:18:30.413 ** REQUEST conn: 591 ROW_DESCRIPTOR Crsr=66375 12/12 16:18:30.413 ** DONE conn: 591 ROW_DESCRIPTOR 12/12 16:18:30.413 ** REQUEST conn: 591 CURSOR_FETCH Crsr=66375, Count=127, Offset=1 (relative) 12/12 16:18:30.413 ** DONE conn: 591 CURSOR_FETCH 12/12 16:18:30.413 ** REQUEST conn: 591 CURSOR_PREFETCH Crsr=66375 12/12 16:18:30.413 ** DONE conn: 591 CURSOR_PREFETCH 12/12 16:18:30.413 ** REQUEST conn: 591 CURSOR_CLOSE Crsr=66375 12/12 16:18:30.413 ** PLAN conn: 591 services<fk_employee_services> JNL ship<ship> 12/12 16:18:30.413 ** DONE conn: 591 CURSOR_CLOSE 12/12 16:18:30.416 ** REQUEST conn: 591 STMT_DROP Stmt=66374 12/12 16:18:30.416 ** DONE conn: 591 STMT_DROP 12/12 16:18:30.416 ** REQUEST conn: 591 STMT_PREPARE [large string unavailable] 12/12 16:18:30.416 ** EXTRA conn: 591 SELECT "opinion"."opinion_id" , "opinion"."emp_id" , "opinion"."opinion_date" , "opinion"."opinion_author" , "opinion"."opinion_text" , "opinion"."opinion_user" FROM "opinion" WHERE ( "opinion"."emp_id" = ? ) 12/12 16:18:30.416 ** DONE conn: 591 STMT_PREPARE Stmt=66376 12/12 16:18:30.416 ** REQUEST conn: 591 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT Stmt=-1 12/12 16:18:30.417 ** DONE conn: 591 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT 12/12 16:18:30.417 ** REQUEST conn: 591 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT Stmt=-1 12/12 16:18:30.417 ** DONE conn: 591 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT 12/12 16:18:30.417 ** REQUEST conn: 591 CURSOR_OPEN Stmt=66376 12/12 16:18:30.417 ** HOSTVAR conn: 591 0 double '2516' 12/12 16:18:30.417 ** PLAN conn: 591 opinion<fk_employee_opinion> 12/12 16:18:30.417 ** DONE conn: 591 CURSOR_OPEN Crsr=66377 12/12 16:18:30.418 ** REQUEST conn: 591 ROW_DESCRIPTOR Crsr=66377 12/12 16:18:30.418 ** DONE conn: 591 ROW_DESCRIPTOR 12/12 16:18:30.418 ** REQUEST conn: 591 CURSOR_FETCH Crsr=66377, Count=127, Offset=1 (relative) 12/12 16:18:30.418 ** WARNING conn: 591 code: 100 "Row not found" 12/12 16:18:30.418 ** DONE conn: 591 CURSOR_FETCH 12/12 16:18:30.418 ** REQUEST conn: 591 CURSOR_PREFETCH Crsr=66377 12/12 16:18:30.418 ** DONE conn: 591 CURSOR_PREFETCH 12/12 16:18:30.418 ** REQUEST conn: 591 CURSOR_CLOSE Crsr=66377 12/12 16:18:30.418 ** PLAN conn: 591 opinion<fk_employee_opinion> 12/12 16:18:30.418 ** DONE conn: 591 CURSOR_CLOSE 12/12 16:17:47.590 ** REQUEST conn: 477 STMT_PREPARE [large string unavailable] 12/12 16:17:47.590 ** EXTRA conn: 477 select "employee"."emp_tabnum", "employee"."emp_lastname", "employee"."emp_firstname", "employee"."emp_secondname", "employee"."emp_birthdate", "employee"."emp_id" eid, "emprank"."pos_id", "emprank"."dept_id" d_id, "emprank"."emp_startdate", "emprank"."emp_findate", sf_getdept("employee"."emp_id", dateadd(month, 1, '2011-12-01')) prev_dept, sf_dept_id(IsNull(prev_dept, "emprank"."dept_id")) prev_dptid FROM employee JOIN emprank /* сотрудники + принятые в тек. месяце */ WHERE ( ("emprank"."emp_startdate" < dateadd(month, 1, ?) and ("emprank"."emp_findate" >= dateadd(month, -1, ?) or "emprank"."emp_findate" is NULL ) and dept_id <> -1) or /* уволенные в предыдущем и текущем месяце*/ ( "emprank"."emp_startdate" >= dateadd(month, -1, ?) and "emprank"."emp_startdate" < dateadd(month, 1, ?) and "emp_findate" is NULL and dept_id = -1 ) ) and "emprank"."emp_startdate" = (SELECT MAX (emp_startdate) FROM emprank WHERE emp_id = eid and emp_startdate < dateadd(month, 1, ?) and dept_id <> -1) 12/12 16:17:47.590 ** DONE conn: 477 STMT_PREPARE Stmt=65645 12/12 16:17:47.590 ** REQUEST conn: 477 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT Stmt=-1 12/12 16:17:47.591 ** DONE conn: 477 STMT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT 12/12 16:17:47.591 ** REQUEST conn: 477 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT Stmt=-1 12/12 16:17:47.591 ** DONE conn: 477 STMT_DESCRIBE_INPUT 12/12 16:17:47.593 ** REQUEST conn: 477 CURSOR_OPEN Stmt=65645 12/12 16:17:47.593 ** HOSTVAR conn: 477 0 timestamp '2011-12-01 00:00:00.000000' 12/12 16:17:47.593 ** HOSTVAR conn: 477 1 timestamp '2011-12-01 00:00:00.000000' 12/12 16:17:47.593 ** HOSTVAR conn: 477 2 timestamp '2011-12-01 00:00:00.000000' 12/12 16:17:47.593 ** HOSTVAR conn: 477 3 timestamp '2011-12-01 00:00:00.000000' 12/12 16:17:47.593 ** HOSTVAR conn: 477 4 timestamp '2011-12-01 00:00:00.000000' 12/12 16:17:47.594 ** PLAN conn: 477 employee<seq> JNL emprank<fk_employee_emprank> : GrByS[ emprank<fk_employee_emprank> ] 12/12 16:17:47.594 ** DONE conn: 477 CURSOR_OPEN Crsr=65646 12/12 16:17:47.596 ** REQUEST conn: 477 ROW_DESCRIPTOR Crsr=65646 12/12 16:17:47.596 ** DONE conn: 477 ROW_DESCRIPTOR 12/12 16:17:47.596 ** REQUEST conn: 477 CURSOR_FETCH Crsr=65646, Count=963, Offset=1 (relative) 12/12 16:17:47.601 ** PLAN conn: 477 [0]emprank<emprank> : GrByS[ RL[ emprank<emprank> ] ] 12/12 16:17:52.674 ** ERROR conn: 477 code: -301 "Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 102300 ( File associated with given page id is invalid or not open -- transaction rolled back" 12/12 16:18:44.213 ** ERROR conn: 477 code: -301 "Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 102300 ( File associated with given page id is invalid or not open -- transaction rolled back" 12/12 16:17:54.030 ** REQUEST conn: 687 CONNECT 12/12 16:17:54.030 ** ERROR conn: 687 code: -301 "Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 102300 ( File associated with given page id is invalid or not open -- transaction rolled back" 12/12 16:17:54.031 ** ERROR conn: 687 code: -301 "Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 102300 ( File associated with given page id is invalid or not open -- transaction rolled back" 12/12 16:17:59.082 ** ERROR conn: 456 code: -301 "Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 102300 ( File associated with given page id is invalid or not open -- transaction rolled back" 12/12 16:18:55.633 ** ERROR conn: 456 code: -301 "Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 102300 ( File associated with given page id is invalid or not open -- transaction rolled back"
Request clarification before answering.
Problem was here: -n SERVNAME -x TCPIP -c 180m -z -zo d:DBLogs_serverserver_log.txt -zr all -zs 80M
Previous db admin start server with this arguments, asa7 works fine all the time, but asa9 periodically fall... After removing: -z -zo d:DBLogs_serverserver_log.txt -zr all -zs 80M
Server works fine last 6 months. Phrase in help: This should only be used when tracking problems. Helped in solving the problem
My prevoius assumption was wrong: The problem was solved. Kaspersky Anti-Virus - mega evil. Connect with the machine on which it is installed base led to a drop in a few hours ... After reinstalling the antivirus crashes is not observed during the month. Perhaps the anti-virus files are corrupted.
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Glad you were able to solve it & thanks for reporting back - it could save someone else a lot of trouble. If you don't already, it's certainly worth excluding the db, temp & log files from any scanning.
Look in the server console log: I think you will find that there is an assertion failure message and it should contain additional information about the actual IO error. Since you are using iSCSI, I would suspect the problem lies there. A momentary break in network connectivity could cause IOs to fail. If you look in the Windows Event log you may find error reports from your iSCSI drivers. You might also find errors on the iSCSI storage server end.
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That usually indicates corruption. If the database can be restarted and validated, then it might just have been in-memory corruption, corruption in the temporary dbspace, something that dbvalid doesn't detect, or possibly incorrect data transferred from the iSCSI device. Sometimes, a file call "assert.dmp" is written beside the database file that will help to diagnose the error -- do you have one? If you do, you may not want to post it to this forum as it may contain private data from your database. You will want to open a case with tech support to submit it privately.
I would also recommend looking for errors reported by your iSCSI system on both sides of the link and make sure you are running the latest software/firmware for your iSCSI system and the latest network drivers.
ASA9 is a different product and may use IO in a completely different way from version 7 (larger IOs, more parallel IOs, etc). It is worth at least looking for errors reported by your iSCSI system -- have you done that?
Yes - but there is no warning and error messages... Event Log is clear too and have only ASA9 messages... When will the fall - before making a restart - we'll see the console log... May be something there - that can help us... Some info about iSCSI configuration: Controller Status : Optimal Channel description : SAS/SATA Controller Model : Adaptec 51645 Controller Serial Number : 8A15103C4AF Physical Slot : 3 Temperature : 54 C/ 129 F (Normal) Installed memory : 512 MB Copyback : Disabled Background consistency check : Disabled Automatic Failover : Enabled Global task priority : High Performance Mode : Default/Dynamic Stayawake period : Disabled Spinup limit internal drives : 0 Spinup limit external drives : 0 Defunct disk drive count : 0 Logical devices/Failed/Degraded : 1/0/0 SSDs assigned to MaxIQ Cache pool : 0 Maximum SSDs allowed in MaxIQ Cache pool : 8 MaxIQ Read Cache Pool Size : 0.000 GB MaxIQ cache fetch rate : 0 MaxIQ Cache Read, Write Balance Factor : 3,1 NCQ status : Enabled Statistics data collection mode : Enabled
Controller Version Information BIOS : 5.2-0 (17911) Firmware : 5.2-0 (17911) Driver : 1.1-7 (28000) Boot Flash : 5.2-0 (17911)
Controller Battery Information
Status : Optimal Over temperature : No Capacity remaining : 99 percent Time remaining (at current draw) : 1 days, 19 hours, 55 minutes
Are the database and log files on the same computer as dbsrv9 is running on? (ie local disks or a network drive)
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Most likely some kind of corruption, I guess.. I would run full dbcheck against my database first, and make appropriate action based on results. At least you will find out if your DB is clean.
In case it shows NO corruption at all, maybe perform some deep checks of disk devices, where my DB and log are placed, using check utility from your vendor (seagate, WD, hitachi, veritas..).
Hope that helped, marcel
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I would suggest to have a look at the whitepaper "SQL Anywhere I/O Requirements for Windows and Linux" to check whether your storage system fulfills SQL Anywhere's needs ("write through" and the like).
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We noticed the relationship between falls and changes to the database structure. If we make changes in the database structure - the database crash during the day. No changes - no crashes....
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And have you contacted tech support? Tried a local hard drive? Updated all drivers? Run IO benchmarks? Tried new SA versions? There's only so much we can accomplish in this forum especially when the suggestions are not followed.
ASA9 no longer supported ... Tests were run, there is no change in the structure of the database - all going well ... If there is - the fall. To use the new version of the ASA - it must first buy ... Local disk, we have not tried ... There are certain difficulties with this, we need to pick up a new server, change the information in the data sources...
"Limited technical assistance" is always provided for EOL products in technical support.
See: http://www.sybase.com/support/aboutsupport/policy
"For older versions of Sybase software, limited technical assistance will be provided, so long as you have a current support contract for that product, subject to the availability of trained personnel and resources. Limited assistance consists of helping customers with questions, workarounds and migration to a supported version of the product. It does not include new bug fixes or integration of any bug fixes into previous updates. Sybase will provide existing interim versions (i.e.; updates, if any, developed for the product prior to the end of engineering support) as appropriate. Sybase will not purposely maintain staff, expertise or equipment and reproduction environments on older versions of products, and therefore, over time, the ability to provide assistance will become further limited as expertise on these older versions erodes."
Today was crash again
Connection ID 199: Character set changed to "none" Connection ID 96: disconnecting client - No activity for 240 minutes Connection ID 96: Disconnected TCPIP client's AppInfo is HOST=P152;OS= Connection ID 96: Client disconnected Connection ID 96: "kkk" disconnected from database "skynet" A read failed with error code: (38), Reached the end of the file. Fatal error: Unknown device error Attempting to save dump file at 'C:\\WINDOWS\\TEMP\\sa_dump.dmp' Dump file saved
Where i need to send dump file?
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Error 38 is attempting to read beyond end of file and almost always indicates corruption. At this point, I would recommend trying a to do a dbunload of your database. Don't worry about reloading it yet, just do an unload since it might just catch something that validation did not. You might find that the error is then easily reproducible.
As for the dump, it can only be sent through tech support and you would need to open a case. Only tech support has the procedures in place to accept client data appropriately (eg, we can't accept HIPAA-protected data). However, v9 has been out of support for a while and I'm not sure how tech support deal with that (I'm a developer, not a tech support rep). They may ask you to reproduce the issue with a supported version of SQL Anywhere and that would require an unload/reload since all currently supported versions are not compatible with the v9 file format. If you have a corrupt database that easily reproduces the error with dbunload, you might be able to submit it for analysis anyways. Also, if tech support is willing to accept a v9 dump file, a full-dump is much more useful than a minidump and full dumps can be enabled by adding "-md full" to your server command line. Note that the dump file will be a little bigger than the size of your database server's cache.
These forums are great for getting answers but once we start debugging dump files and/or analyzing corrupt databases, we must go through tech support. I recommend you contact tech support to determine how to proceed.
You're not losing your mind but you are right that the circumstances are perplexing. It means we can't rule out iSCSI or problems with SA. Tech support is the right way to go. The only remaining things I can think of that you could do on your own are the following:
If SA is the cause of the problem or if SA is bringing out an error in the iSCSI system, tech support is the only way to determine that. Via tech support, we might be able to analyze the problem via a full dump and a copy of the database rather than resorting to some of the options above. If you can move the database to a local drive for a while, it is a good way to eliminate some of the possibilities.
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