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Predicitive Analysys with HANA

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts, i need some clarifications.

I find this architecture for PA with HANA and i have some questions(see below):

1) Is need any server for PA ? One server for execute R component?

If yes, this server need some particular hardware/software requirements: Linux distribution, RAM , CPU ...

2) What are the functions of Sybase IQ? Is need to use PA in non-HANA scenario? Which version is supported?

Thank you very much.

Best Regards.


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Andrea,

Let me answer your second question first. SAP PA uses IQ for connectivity where data is downloaded into the SAP PA client (BOBJ Universes, database, HANA Offline, flat files...). SAP PA installs IQ automatically, so there is nothing you should have to take care of. I don't even know what IQ version it is, it just got installed. From within SAP PA you can then install R locally.

There is no PA service to install. When working with data that stays in HANA (HANA Online) then the HANA Predictive Algorithm Library (PAL) does the mining. If you need an algorithm for a HANA Online connection that does not exist in the PAL you can add an R installation server-side. This R Server needs to be installed on a SUSE machine. Here is the docu on this HANA / R integration


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you Andreas.

So, the Sybase IQ in the image , rappresent the  "internal sybase IQ" that use PA when downloaded data from other source: HANA, universe.. ecc.

But Sybase IQ, can be used like a standalone server for:

- write and read data

- execute predictive model exported in PMML (as from blog ?

In the "no-HANA" scenario, the R-algorithm can be execute also in a dedicated server? or is possible only locally in PA?

Best Regards.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Andrea,

Yes IQ can also be used as external data source. When selecting the data source  click "Freehand SQL" and you can connect to many other data sources, including a separate Sybase IQ installation that you might already have.

The internal IQ within SAP PA is a slimmed-down installation and cannot (I assume even must not) be used as database for any other purposes. However, if you have a separate IQ installation then this can be configured to consume PMML. In that case the PMML just happens to come from SAP PA.

Here is another link for the PMML add-on. It is the same solution that is also mentioned in your url(Zementis)

If you are not using HANA, then R is always locally executed on the machine SAP PA is installed.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Andreas,

for server for "R-algorithm" in the "with-HANA" scenario, the server must have an specific hw configuration: RAM, CPU..?

There are any customer experience with PA in "no-HANA" scenario ? and what database you suggest for support "big " volume of data in this case?



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