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PO with reference to FIORI RFQ / QUOTATION - Automatic condition type not displayed

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Hello, I want to know how FIORI automatic conditions on pricing Quotation/PO work due to I'm having an issue here. Moreover, first: I'm going to explain all the process. Second: each test I did.


1.1. Banckend: Create PR with Non Stock Material and account assignment for Cost Center.

1.2. Frontend: Create FIORI RFQ linked to previous PR.

1.3. Frontend: Create FIORI Quotation from RFQ on step 2. Automatic condition type should retrieved (example: ZVAT) and also the tax code related to it. Then submit, compare all quotation and award.

1.4. Frontend: Create FIORI PO from Quotation awarded. Here, conditions should be transfer to PO with its tax code.


2.1. ISSUE DURING CREATION OF PO LINKED TO FIORI RFQ: When I did test the whole process (as in my explanation above), on step 3, ZVAT condition type is not displaying and I cannot add it manually because it's automatic. Despite this, I continued and I created PO (both on backent and frontend) in relation to FIORI RFQ, conditions are not displayed here... But when I go to Analysis, ZVAT condition type is there and calculated perfectly, just showing message "108 Condition record exists, but has not been set". Then, I clicked on Update and condition type is displayed into Conditions tab but tax code remains empty.

2.2. ADDITIONALLY: NONE ISSUES DURING CREATION OF PO LINKED TO S/4HANA RFQ: On the other hand, I tested all the process but steps 2, 3 and 4 on backend instead of frontend and condition type ZVAT is automatically retrieved without problems and also the tax code related to it (within Invoice Tab) is displayed as well.

Do you have any ideas of why I'm having this condition type issue during PO creation with FIORI RFQ?

Let me know if you require more information.Thanks and regards!

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