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non po invoice not triggering

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Hi All ,

I knw there have been mant threads on the above topic , but please none seem to be solving my issue.

My reuirement is that when i create a NON-PO invoice from FB60 and park it then the workflow should trigger and after approval it should vget posted.

I am using the BOR Object FIPP , event as CREATED and the workflwo 00400004 (for tetsing , to check if it triggers) , but my workflow does not trigger inspite of the event linkage and workflow activation. Please can you help me.


C S Anand.

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Hi Santhosh,

Before you park the invoice,

1. First go to SWELS tcode & switch on event trace.

2. Then park the invoice

3. In SWEL tcode check whether CREATED event of FIPP BOR is coming.

Check whether you have activated the event linkage correctly in basic data of your workflow.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks for your reply , but i have done the preleminary checks and activated the trace but in vain. I need to know does any event gets triggered when we park any Invoice. If yes then which event?( because SWELS does not show any event) if no then do we have to create a custom event for that ? and how do we do that?. Or am I missing any config?Request you all to kindly shower your expertise on this issue as its very important and critical.

thanks in Advance.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Santhosh,

Please refer the below links & confirm whether you have done the necessary customizing as mentioned in them,

[Parking WF1|]

[Parking WF2|;

Let me know in case of any issues.



Edited by: bharath padmanabhan on Jun 14, 2011 2:29 PM

Former Member
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Thanks for the reply Bharath, but my document is not an incoming Invoice but a parked document so the BOR Object is FIPP and not BUS2081 , i would want to know will that make any difference in configuration.?

guess the templates are different for incoming invoice and parked documents. Please advice.


C S Anand.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Santhosh,

I am so sorry for the confusion.

Please refer [Parked Document WF|]

[Parking of Documents Settings|]



Edited by: bharath padmanabhan on Jun 14, 2011 4:58 PM

Former Member
0 Kudos

thanks Bharat for the reply I would like to know are these config settings necessary for the event traced as well? What i mean to ask you is that if we dont have these config settings then SWELS would not trace the event CREATED when i park the Invoice??

would appreciate your reply as its highly informative.


C S Anand

Former Member
0 Kudos

Please can you reply as I need to understand what is the importance of these settings in firing the event and how does it work.


C S Anand

Former Member
0 Kudos

answered. Thanks

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