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no data loaded with the full load

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Hello experts,

I am facing a weird problem. I have 2 ODS, the first load the second. If I lauch un full (or full repair), the loading lauch no data. Wheras if I lauch a init The target reveice data correctly.

I don't understand why the full load doesn't work. There is not restriction in the infopackage. I don't have any dump. In SM21 I have this log:

R49 Communication error, CPIC return code 027, SAP return code 242

R64 > CPI-C function: CMINIT(SAP)

But i'm not sure it's useful.

Thanks for your Help


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Former Member
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is ur issue resolved.

im facing similar issue.

please suggest.


Former Member
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Seems you already have an init from the source DSO to the target DSo and then you are trying to a full load.

If you want to do a full load only then you will have to delete the init and do the full load.

with init you should do a full repair to the target.

Also check in the infopackage if you have given any selection while doing the full load.


Former Member
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There is not selection in each infopackage (init or full).

I deleted the init, so the full repair is not useful.

I tried also, a init without trasfert and the full repair, but it doesn't work.

thanks for your support


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Does the source DSO has data in active state?

Former Member
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Yes. The data are activated.

I come to generate datasource, to check if the probleme came to that.

Active Contributor
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When you are loading from one ODS to another how are you doing it ??

Are you using "Update data to datatarget option" which you get on right click.


You are creating new infopackage under data mart and trying to load ??

Try both ways.

Hope this helps.

Former Member
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In the infopackage processing tab, I choose "PSA and Data target".

and yes, it's new infopackage. Whatever option i choose, i have the same result. No data. There is not datapackage in the loading detail (RSMO).

Active Contributor
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Go to Loading ODS and do update data to data target.

Here you will get option for Full or init.

Choose full and try loading your data target.

Former Member
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I tried it.

I have the same result 0 record. But I have another message in the loading detail, I have this red message :

"Full 42.417 has overlapping selections with init. 0000042411 : No updates into ZAC2OCO "

For information There is not current initialization in the initialization option for source system.

Former Member
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Delete data on target ODS and try to load.I think it's overlapping the request.It means you have the same request on target ods with same selections.



Former Member
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I deleted data on target ODS, but the problem is not result, Always no data.

But now I don't have the red message mentioned above.

other idea ??

Thanks in advance.

Former Member
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Check whether you are loading from same source for init and full loads?



Former Member
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It's the same source system (himself)

But I saw in the statu tab of monitoring "Info IDoc received with status 8." it would be interesting. the loading is always green

any idea?


Former Member
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I mean from same datasource or datamart.Check whether there is data on source for the same slections.



0 Kudos

Hi ,

Did you checked SM58 for tRFC's??



Former Member
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Thanks for your quick response.

What can i check in SM58? because I don't have any record.

For information, the Full loading is very fast and the statu is green.