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Need help with FIORI elements app issue

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I have a need to create a Master detail CRUD app with custom tables(header and line items).

We have suite on HANA system and i want to use FIORI elements, BOPF and List report.

I have followed a couple of blogs for this.

This blog meets my requirements but i could not get this working as the List report is not loading due to some error.

This blog helped to generate the app for display. Need to add the CRUD functionality for both Master and details but could not due to issue.

Created 2 views as below

Header view and item view.

Please help me how to meet my need or refer any blog / example?



Header view:

@OData.publish: true

@ObjectModel: { 
compositionRoot: true,
transactionalProcessingEnabled: true,
writeActivePersistence: 'ZPROTO_SO_A',
semanticKey: 'SalesOrderID',
representativeKey: 'SalesOrderID',
createEnabled: true,
deleteEnabled: true,
updateEnabled: true

@UI.headerInfo: {
    typeName: 'Sales Order',
    typeNamePlural: 'sales orders'    

define view ZXC_SO_84 as select from zproto_so_a as SalesOrder 
association [1..*] to ZXC_SOITEMS_84 as _SOITEMS on $projection.SalesOrderID = _SOITEMS.SalesOrderID
    @UI: {lineItem: [{position:10}, { qualifier: 'ValueList', position:10 }], selectionField.position: 10,
        identification: [{position: 10, importance: #HIGH }], dataPoint:{title: 'Sales Doc' }}
    key SalesOrder.salesorderid       as SalesOrderID,

    @UI.lineItem: [{position:20 }]
    SalesOrder.businesspartnerid   as BusinessPartnerID,

    @UI: {lineItem: [{position:30 }], identification: [{position: 20, importance: #HIGH }],
    dataPoint:{title: 'Created by' }}
    SalesOrder.currencycode   as CurrencyCode,

     @UI: {lineItem: [{position:40}], selectionField.position: 20}
    SalesOrder.grossamount   as GrossAmount,

    @UI.lineItem: [{position:50 }]
    SalesOrder.netamount   as NetAmount,

    @UI: {lineItem: [{position:60 }], dataPoint:{title: 'Net Value' }}
    SalesOrder.taxamount   as TaxAmount,
    @UI.lineItem: [{position:70 }]
    SalesOrder.lifecyclestatus as LifecycleStatus,

Line items view

@ObjectModel: { 
transactionalProcessingEnabled: true,
writeActivePersistence: 'ZPROTO_SOI_A',
semanticKey: ['SalesOrderID','SalesOrderItemID'],
representativeKey: 'SalesOrderItemID',
createEnabled: true,
deleteEnabled: true,
updateEnabled: true

define view ZXC_SOITEMS_84 as 
select from zproto_soi_a as Item {
   @UI.lineItem: [{position: 10 }]
   key Item.salesorderid       as SalesOrderID, 
   @UI.lineItem: [{position: 20 }]
   key Item.salesorderitemid   as SalesOrderItemID, 
   @UI.lineItem: [{position: 30 }]
    Item.productid   as ProductID, 
   @UI.lineItem: [{position: 40 }]
    Item.currencycode   as CurrencyCode, 
    @UI.lineItem: [{position: 50 }]
    Item.grossamount   as GrossAmount, 
    Item.netamount   as NetAmount, 
    Item.taxamount   as TaxAmount

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Have a look at my List Report/Object Page BOPF CRUD blog here