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Moving Transports to Production

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I have a basic doubt. I modified an already existing custom program e.g.ztest. I released and moved the transport(A) to the quality system. Since we found an error in the quality system test, I made an additional change in the program by creating another transport (B). After moving the transport B to quality, it worked fine in quality. Now should we move both the transports to the production system or is it enough if we move the latest transport B alone to the production system? Could any one please clarify asap?



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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move A & B to the production

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Will the transport B contain all the changes in it, including the changes moved through transport A? So if I move just the transport B to production, it will have all the needed changes, right?



Former Member
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It really depends, not nessassrily Transport B will contain all objects in Transport A. So safe way is to transport A and transport B unless you can verify that Transport B contains all objects listed in Transport A.

Former Member
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Since Transport B was created after A so it might have all the changes doen for A or atleast it can have the Chang log done for A.

So best practice is to move A

Then move B.

Their will be no issues.



Active Contributor
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> Will the transport B contain all the changes in it, including the changes moved through transport A? So if I move just the transport B to production, it will have all the needed changes, right?

100% correct.

But make sure all selection-screen text are also included in B again.

No need to transport A to PRD,as your changes already in Transport B so it will automatically overwrite with A,so no need to move A at all.

@Neha: Since Transport B was created after A so it might have all the changes.

Than what is the need to move A again?

only move A would be fine there is no issue.

Always when creating transport request of any exsisting object, first work should be to add all exsisting objects in new request.

And this is the best practice.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Swetha

If you are not deleting the changes in done in A then it can have all the changes (like comemnted and change log of A).

But if you have removed some part of the code in B then it`s a good idea ot move both First A

then B.



Active Contributor
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Its Amit not Swetha please reply to right concern person.

And what if i changed the T-code in B which is different from A?

And now i'm moving both A than would get transport error in PRD,because old transaction is not attched with any program now.

So always better to add all objects(Transaction and text and blah blah) to new Transport before any changes to existing program.

And move always new transport.

But in only this OP's case you can move A before B,

but its not a good idea always.

0 Kudos

Many thanks to all of you..


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
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If you changed more than one thing in the first transport (say program source and text elements) and then only changed say, the program source in the second transport, then simply importing the second transport will not move the text changes. It's safest to import both.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Swetha

Both the transport will go to production one by one.

First Move 'A'.

Then move 'B'.

Their is no point in holding the first transport coz it did,nt work in Quality.

This is the normal case even i have faced the similer situation many time where i had to send 5-6 transport of one object.

