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Missing ports in ASE Cockpit

0 Kudos

After upgrading from ASE 16.0 SP01 to SP02 PL01 I tried to start the new ASE Cockpit. Cockpit starts but the connection info like "Cockpit Web Console: https://dimotion:4283/cockpit" is missing:


[sybase@dimotion bin]$ ./

Starting Cockpit Server...

---------- SYSTEM INFO ----------

Home Directory:       /opt/ase160/COCKPIT-4

Version:              Cockpit Server 4 SP10

Node:                 dimotion(

Log Message level:    WARN

Platform:              linux

Bitwidth:              64

OS Name:               Linux

OS Version:            3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64

OS Architecture:       amd64

Available Processors:  6

Total Physical Memory: 19411 MB

Free Physical Memory:  8718 MB

java.library.path:     /opt/ase160/COCKPIT-4/rtlib:/opt/ase160/COCKPIT-4/bin/sa16/linux64/lib64

Java Home:             /opt/ase160/shared/SAPJRE-7_1_027_64BIT

Java Version:          1.7.0_71

Java VM Version:       7.1.027 25.11-b02

VM Process ID          31205@dimotion.sybase.local

VM Arguments:          -Xms128m, -XX:MaxPermSize=128m, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/ase160/COCKPIT-4/log, -Dcom.sybase.home=/opt/ase160,,, -Dcom.sybase.platform=linux, -Djava.library.path=/opt/ase160/COCKPIT-4/rtlib:/opt/ase160/COCKPIT-4/bin/sa16/linux64/lib64,,,

Type help for more options



A connection with the ASE Cockpit installation is not possible. Displaying the ports I get:


cockpit> info -p

---------- SERVICE PORT CONFIGURATION ----------

Service Name           Property Name                  Current Value   In Use Address

------------           -------------                  -------------   ------ -------

RMI                    port                           4992            true   dimotion

EmbeddedWebContainer   http.port                      4282            false  ANY

EmbeddedWebContainer   https.port                     4283            false  ANY

Tds                    tdsPort                        4998            false  ANY

SccSADataserver        com.sybase.asa.server.port     4638            false  ANY

Messaging              messaging.db.port              4638            false  ANY

Messaging              messaging.port                 4993            false  ANY

Alert                  alert.database.port            4638            false  ANY



All ports are free, because an IQ Cockpit installation runs on the same machine with the identical ports. The agent status also looks OK:


cockpit> status -a

Agent Home:     /opt/ase160/COCKPIT-4

Connection URL: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://dimotion:4992/agent

Status:         RUNNING



The upgrade itself works without any error or message. Am I missing something necessary during the upgrade?

Many thanks


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Accepted Solutions (1)



I think we're in exactly the same process, as I had the same problem today !

First I thought that it was our firewalls here, that did not let the traffic through, so I spoke to the network guys but they said that they couldn't see any ports listening on my ASE server ?

So I took a look at the manual, and as far as I could find out it wasn't enough to just start Cockpit. You also have to start all the "Services", but outside Cockpit and before you start Cockpit ! So I reckon that you alter some kind of config file (that I haven't found yet) with these commands ?

What I did was the following :

./ -enable Tds

./ -enable EmbeddedwebContainer

./ -enable Messaging


Then you can check your ports and see so that they actually are listening with :

netstat -tpnl

You can also see that the ports have changed from "false" to "true" with "info -p" ?

That is as far as I've come now. I can get the logon screen, but no "system" has been discovered yet, and I think one have to specify that too before starting Cockpit ? So I did that too with :

./ -instance <the ASE name> -user sa -password <sa password>

But I still cannot choose any "system" in my loon screen on my browser...



0 Kudos

Hi Mike,

I tried your hints and I reach the exact same state:

I have the loginscreen from ASE Cockpit but no system is available... I tried it with Firefox 42 and IE11 but in both browsers is the system not shown,



0 Kudos

Hi Robert,

ok, it seems like you have to jump all over the manual here, as I've just read that you have to "configure" an xml file for each ASE ? Take a look at pages 39-41 and create an xml for your ASE.

I also have found the "master" xml file, where you have to change the passwords for the admin user "sccadmin" and the agent user "uafadmin". In /opt/Sybase/COCKPIT-4/conf there is a file called csi_config.xml, just encrypt your new passwords for those users and paste them in there.

But I still cannot get any "system" in the logon screen...

I thought that it could be "any name" that you supplied together with the startup string like

./ -instance test

And then the name "test" should turn up in the logon screen drilldown, but it doesnt

Then you should enter sccadmin and the password you put in the csi_config.xml

But it doesn't work, but we'll get there sooner or later 😉


0 Kudos to $SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/plugins and look for a directory with the same name as your server instance.  If this folder doesn’t exist, copy the directory ./COCKPIT-4/templates/com.sybase.ase to ./plugins as the servername (e.g. cp $SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/templates/com.sybase.ase $SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/plugins/<servername>) to new instance directory ($SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/plugins/<SERVERNAME>
3.Verify the contents of the agent-plugin.xml file.   If any values are incorrect, modify the contents to match your installation similar to the below (values are for the demo config).  Note that the passwords are encrypted – if you suspect they may be wrong, it is simpler to simply re-encrypt. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<agent-plugin id="com.sybase.ase" version="16.0.0" name="ASE Agent Plugin" class="" provider-name="SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company" register-on-startup="true" mbean-type="Model MBean" mbean-descriptor="mbean-descriptor.xml" instance="1">

  <dependencies />


    <set-property property="ase.heartbeat.timer" value="10" />

    <set-property property="ase.heartbeat.update.time" value="2015-09-10 19:19:42 +0000" />     <set-property property="ase.home" value="/opt/sybase/ase16sp02/ASE-16_0" />

    <set-property property="ase.interfaces.pathspec" value="/opt/sybase/ase16sp02/interfaces" />

    <set-property property="ase.maintain.connection" value="true" />

    <set-property property="ase.password" value="1-AAAAEgQQsGypPQocKwIzlBSJkHKyOu+99y1ev49M+5K7AnPz2CgqBfuo32kkddSYEIqKE8K0a3UDWZHfvULzwYvKMh7kjA==" />

    <set-property property="ase.port" value="30000" />

    <set-property property="ase.server.log" value="/opt/sybase/ase16sp02/ASE-16_0/install/HADR_1.log" />

    <set-property property="" value="HADR_1" />

    <set-property property="ase.start.command" value="/opt/sybase/ase16sp02/ASE-16_0/install/RUN_HADR_1" />

    <set-property property="ase.user" value="sa" />

    <set-property property="com.sybase.home" value="/opt/sybase/ase16sp02" />

4. If you need to reset the password, $SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/bin
b.execute ./passencrypt
c.when prompted, enter ASE ‘sa’ password (e.g. ‘password’)
d. copy/paste the password into the above
0 Kudos

...then restart cockit server - you should see SERVERNAME in login option

0 Kudos


the $SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/templates directory is nearly empty. After the upgrade to SP02 PL01 it contains only a 'Readme.txt' saying "This directory stores service or plugin templates.".

After reapply SP02 PL01 and choosing a "Custom" installation, I have now a templates directory as required.

There is also a checkbox "Configure Cockpit". Checking the checkbox generates a starting Cockpit but also without a system name. I'll try Jeffs manual installation now.


0 Kudos


after copy the the "com.sybase.ase" template into the plugins directory Cockpit is now working fine.

I'm using an LDAP server for getting the information which is normally stored within the interfaces file. Maybe this is the source for my problem getting a correct server entry?

Many thanks


0 Kudos

No - cockpit is rather simplistic - it gets the servername(s) from the agent-plugin.xml file.

0 Kudos

Hi Jeff,

I have two ASEs in my Windows VM.

When I installed the software and configured the first ASE the ASE Cockpit was also configured.

After configuring the second ASE, I followed the procedure you describe above and copied the existing folder $SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/plugins/ASE16 of my first ASE server into a new ASE16_REPOS server for my second server.

I then changed the agent-plugin.xml  file to reflect the info of my second server.

However, when I start the COCKPIT service I still only see the first server (ASE16) in the System drop down list.

Is there something missing ?

Best regards,

Juan Vega

0 Kudos

Hi Jeff,

I've done exactly the same, and according to the log files, everything looks fine.

And I get the logon screen on my browser, but the "System" drill down is still empty !

Please advice



0 Kudos


I've got exactly the same status here, have you made any progress yet ?


0 Kudos

Can you post your agent-plugin.xml file and output of ls from plugins directory???

0 Kudos

Jeff, here is the output of ls, and I will upload my xml file


$ ls -la

total 92

drwxrwxr-x 3 sybase dba  4096 Nov 10 13:56 .

drwxrwxr-x 4 sybase dba  4096 Nov  6 10:31 ..

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba   563 Nov  6 10:16 agent-plugin.dtd

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba  2207 Nov 10 13:56 agent-plugin.xml

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba  2702 Nov  6 10:30 agent-plugin.xml.bak

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba  2207 Nov 10 10:49 agent-plugin.xml.bak.10

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba  2207 Nov 10 13:56 agent-plugin.xml.bak.11

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba  2175 Nov  6 10:51 agent-plugin.xml.bak.2

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba  2175 Nov  6 10:53 agent-plugin.xml.bak.3

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba  2207 Nov  6 15:13 agent-plugin.xml.bak.4

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba  2207 Nov  9 13:17 agent-plugin.xml.bak.5

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba  2207 Nov  9 13:21 agent-plugin.xml.bak.6

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba  2207 Nov  9 13:29 agent-plugin.xml.bak.7

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba  2207 Nov  9 13:49 agent-plugin.xml.bak.8

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba  2207 Nov  9 16:03 agent-plugin.xml.bak.9

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba  2109 Nov  6 10:30

drwxr-xr-x 2 sybase dba  4096 Nov  6 10:17 lib

-rw-r--r-- 1 sybase dba 23367 Nov  6 10:16 mbean-descriptor.xml

$ pwd


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