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Messages in RAP List Report

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I have custom action in the List Report page, where the user can update large number of records.

In the end of the process, I want to give one message that says how many records where updated successfully and how many failed.

Using reported - the message is duplicating itself according to the number of records that were selected - also I only enter it once without tky - that is not good for me, since if I will have large number of records it will be confusing for the user.

I addition, after I close this message, I get another message that says that "The selected objects can't be processed".

I tried with and without tky, and with ISOLATED and CHANGE_SET.

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Answers (2)

0 Kudos

I solved the problem by using the parameter %global of the reported structure.

But I notice that this parameter is not available in all versions

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Could you please share the example for %global
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi cg1982

Please try using below property, but looks like you still need to put logic for combining all messages or there count...

%state_area property in your REPORTED-<ENTITYNAME> structure like below...

reported-<entity name> = VALUE #((
%tky = <record>-%tky

%state_area = 'VALIDATE_FIELD' "this can be any text just to identify state of field
%element-<fieldname to validate> = if_abap_behv=>mk-on

%msg = new_message ("update your error message").

Hope this Helps...
