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MDG derivation and validation rule for vendor master causing error at vendor change

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We are using MDG 7.0 and have implemented derivation rules at vendor master using derive_entity and check entity by creating a new implementation for class USMD_rule_service with below filter criteria:

Model = BP and

Entitytype = BP_VENGN or

Entitytype = BP_COMPNy or

Entitytype = BP_PORG or

Entitytype = AD_POSTAL

Our derivation rules are working absolutely fine for vendor creation process but it is giving an error while doing "vendor change" , when we are changing any values in AD_postal entity in change vendor it is throwing below error:

500 SAP Internal Server Error

ERROR: Access using a 'ZERO' object reference is not possible. (termination: RABAX_STATE)

Can you please help me and tell what am I doing wrong.

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I checked into ST22 and it is showing an exception is trigerring in method "MAP_BP_ADDR_POSTAL_2API". This is coming at below try and catch block. Hope this helps.

Mapping of X Structure
IF iv_task = gc_upd.
ASSIGN COMPONENT iv_fname OF STRUCTURE is_data TO <ls_data_x>.
* Data X Structure
MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_data_x> TO ls_source_x.
* Address Data X
CALL METHOD lo_map2->execute
i_source = ls_source_x
ch_target = <ls_address>-data-postal-datax.
CATCH cx_smt_customizing_error
MESSAGE ID gc_map_msg_class TYPE 'E' NUMBER '000' WITH lc_mapping_step2 lc_mapping INTO lv_dummy.
exception_message_store( EXPORTING iv_exist_check = abap_true CHANGING ct_return = ct_return ).

<ls_address>-data-postal-data = ls_target_addr.
<ls_address>-task = iv_task.