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Launchpad tiles default layout

0 Kudos

Hello !

We would like to prepare a default layout of Fiori Launchpad for every user.

At the moment when we create new user, he has few tiles appearing on the Fiori Launchpad. The rest of required tiles he has to add through Tiles Catalog. We would like to create like a default layout of tiles on Fiori Launchpad for every new user that he can start working with already prepared environment.

Would that be possible? If yes, can you please give me a short guide on how to achieve that?

Another question is whether I can somehow disable the possibility of customizing Fiori Launchpad for selected users?

Best regards


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0 Kudos

Hi Moho,

Another aspect to consider is that if you're using the ABAP version of FLP, then just like in NWBC, the sort order and order of the Groups can impact your design.

e.g. In my scenario I have a role that everyone gets and I set the sort order to 100 in PFCG (menu options); and since I wanted a help tile at the very end of the default launchpad, I also created a second everyone_help role with a sort order of 900 so that it would always default to the end.

Anyway, just some more consideration for you. Krishna had it right that pretty much it's a combination of Groups (which you only use if you want it to display on your default Launchpad), and Target Mappings (which allow you to control whether a user can see a tile or not, while maintaining a single catalog for like items.  e.g. Self Services may have both a manager Tile and and employee Tile, but you put the target mapping for the manager Tile in an empty "manager" catalog and assign that to managers only; and then if you add the manager Tile to a group, by default, only the manager will see it. (very quick description there but look up target mapping if you want to know more).

