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JSM: Scheduling Tab in Job documentation when importing

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I am just starting to look into JSM and have some questions.

I was able to import the jobs from our R/3 system. When looking at the job documentation created, I noticed that the variant used for a step (ABAP) is not imported. I am also not seeing a Tab or place to enter the scheduling values. When I create a job documentation manually from template, I have the opportunity to enter these values. It would be even better if they were imported also and added automatically. Am I missing anything? Or do I have the possiblity to use a different template when importing the job documentation from a satellite system?

Second question is regarding the job requests. I would like to set up an approval process in SolMan for job requests. Is there a good documentation (I couldn't find one) how to set up Service Desk to allow job approvals? I am pretty new to Service desk also, read some of the documentation, but it doesn't look like an easy, straight forward process. I got as far as being able to create a service desk message, but in the message I don't have any information regarding the real job request, like program name, steps, period values, etc.

I looked through a lot of the documents in RKT, but haven't figured it out.


Ingrid Funken

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello Ingrid,

2. If you run on EhP1, the basic configuration of the Service Desk should be done by transaction SOLMAN_SETUP.

The remaining steps to setup the Job Request are demonstrated by this movie:

1. Regarding Job Import and Job Documentation & Templates:

In the Job Documentation Template you can directly enter the standard scheduling and monitoring configuration. In the Job Documentation you can enter this information only in the context of a system. Therefore you first have to define the system landscape of the job documentation. You do that by assigning a logical component or business process step to the document an tab "Systems".

This is actually the first step of the Job Import application. In the created Job Documentation you cannot see the variant on the "General" view of the document, there we show only the report. To see the detailed scheduling and variant go to tab "Systems", select the logical component you entered for import, select the system used to import job from and select the button "Schedule". A new browser window will open with all the details of the job.

See step 31ff of this tutorial

Kind regards,


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Hello Martin,

thanks a lot for the detailed response.

For 1.) I had gone through all the steps but had by mistake imported jobs which had already finished. I hadn't noticed that. Thanks to your explanation, I was able to create a new job and schedule it in the R/3 system and also import a released job and now I can see the scheduling information.

I still have to go through the steps needed to set up the service desk integration, but the link you sent looks very promising.



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I looked into the service desk integration and CharM integration for JSM. But I think we are looking for something much simpler.

Create a job request -> send email to approvers -> One approver approves the request -> job is being scheduled.

So a simple workflow. Does anybody know the easiest way to do this? Set up the workflow the same way as in ECC? Or use action profiles and do it that way?

In case of action profiles: is there an example blog or similar? Which action profile/action type would be the best to take and copy? I will keep looking, but haven't found anything so far which does what we want.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello Ingrid,

the basic process just needs the Job Request and no Change Request and Change Documents. The basic process is shown in

a) Documentation:

b) SDN blog: /people/martin.lauer/blog/2008/02/19/creating-a-job-request-with-sap-solution-manager

Note that we will improve this process with EhP2. I could disclose some details in an emails and there are also chances to evaluate this is pilot customer if you are interested.

I think that an "emails only" process will not work. You need a central ticket system from which you trigger the activities required to approve and schedule the request. I think that's (the Service Desk of) SAP Solution Manager. You also need a person that works in the ticket system, I call him "Supporter".

The process can be implemened like this:

1. End user creates a Job Request (JR) in SAP Solution Manager (SSM)

2. Supporter enters Business Partner (BP) of approver as Processor of JR

3. Send email to approver (automatically, e.g. on save)

4. Approver approves the JR in SSM (e.g. enter comment or set status to Approved (new status that would have to be added to status profile))

5. Approver removes his BP as processor of JR

6. Supporter picks up the JR

7. Support create/update Job Documentation (JD) from JR.

8. Supporter schedules Job from JD

9. Supporter closes JR

This process allows to track the changes with Job Requests and Documentation (you can add a new version before importing the JR).

The action profiles of the Job Request (SLFJ) and the Service Desk message contain already an action to send an email (based on Smartforms) to the reporter of the request/message. In case of the Job Request this action has been deactivated. The creation of such an action is described in SAP Note 691303 u201ESending E-Mail from message after status change".

Hope this helps,


0 Kudos

Martin, can you respond to this inquiry/

We want to setup job request and allow all support members to create, what standard role in SAP SOLMAN provides this access.

We want our job schedulers to perform role of "supporter". What standard role in SAP SOLMAN provides this access?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello Dana,

please watch the following tutorial starting with page 66:

It describes how to setup an alias for Job request creation and also mentions the required authorizations of the default user





Kind regards,


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