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Issue with ODBC for SQL Anywhere 16 on OS X 10.9.4

Former Member

Good day,

I have some trouble with create Mobilink project. When i create new project, i write name for project and connection string by press Edit button. After select database and check connect but when press next, i see strange request for DSN parameter for ODBC, but i choose SQL Anywhere 🙂

But if i try set DSN at next i have another trouble, SQL Anywhere can't see ODBC driver 🙂

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Former Member

Hi iQQator,

use the dbdsn tool from SQL Anywhere to specify an ODBC Data Source for your consolidate database and use "DSN=name" to refer to the name of the data source. Do not use the ODBC Administrator tool from Mac OS X.

The information you enter in the dialog "Specify a Consolidate Database" as "Connection string" will be the one for the "connection-string" of the -c mlsrv16 option. As MobiLink supports several different types of consolidate database and at this step the type is unknown, the Wizard would not know that you are attempting to connect to a SQL Anywhere database. In other words ... this connection-string is not SQL Anywhere specific and you cannot use a SQL Anywhere connection string like in your example "UID=dba;PWD=sql;DBN=airplane".

Kind regards,
