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is there a way to see dbMlSync upload progress?

Former Member

SQL Anywhere

Is my grey hair clouding my memory (often happens...) or do I remember dbMlSync, back around 9.01.00, displaying a byte upload count as it ran?

that seemed helpful to see how fast a sync was communicating. But I don't see it and I can't find any switch setting to display it.

Thanks, Bill

0 Kudos

You're asking about the dbmlsync dialog box on Windows? Where it shows a byte count in a kind of garbled progress bar at the bottom of the little window? AFAIK it's still there, but in a long sync there can be a long period where nothing shows, I think where the server is grinding through the download cursors before sending.

0 Kudos

No, wait, you are asking about upload, doh! Gosh, I dunno, who does uploads? <g> ...seriously, haven't hadda coffee, ignore that last comment.

Former Member
0 Kudos

that is my confusion too... I just now realize this is a big "upload" I am watching and always before I have been watching a big download.

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Former Member

You can use the MobiLink Monitor and it will tell you how long each synchronization takes. You can even drill down and find out how long it takes for the different pieces of synchronization (e.g. download, upload). You can also find out the number of bytes. Here are a couple of screenshots.

alt text

alt text

Is this what you're looking for?


Former Member
0 Kudos

Perhaps... I was thinking about "watching" it as it ran. But this is the info I am looking for.

This ML server uses https and e2ee certs and it seems to take me a month to figure out how to enter the params from the Ml Server into the ML Monitor to get it to work. I guess I better bite the bullet and try to figure it out again. 🙂

Thanks Jose