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IDE with Neptune

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Hello all, I came across the Neptune on my LinkedIn page and I was thrilled, As an Abaper I have been working on SAP UI5/FIORI Application with Eclipse and Web IDE but it was a bit tasking, lost Interest and came back several times.

I think Neptune factored Abapers and am all up for it, Please does anyone have an idea to any IDE where I can start practicing using Neptune to develop UI5 & FIORI Apps ?

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If you want to play around with Neptune you can download it at But you need an ABAP System to deploy to. If you don't have a Sandbox system at work you can install the ABAP Developer Edition. This can be downloaded from

But I would suggest that you also look into CDS Views, Annotations and Fiori Elements. This is the future programming model that SAP used i.e. in S/4HANA.

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I will need a High end machine for installing ABAP developer edition.

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You can use the ABAP Developer Edition on Amazon AWS, you don't need your own "High End" system.

And by the way: the Developer Edition fits perfectly on a standard PC with 8 GB of ram. It runs on docker or VMware.

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I run my developer edition with 4 GB RAM assigned in a VM.