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HTMBL tree

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I want to dynamically create tree with HTBLB tree tag. I create simple example:

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>

<%@ taglib uri="tagLib" prefix="hbj" %><hbj:content id="myContext" >

<hbj:page title="Test tree">

<hbj:form id="myFormId">

<hbj:tree id="S_Tree"

tooltip="Test tree"



for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)





id="eee<%= i %>"

text="Test <%= i %>!">


id="ddd<%= i %>"

text="Test <%= i %>!">



<% }






In result I have only one root node. Cycle is ignored by tree tag! It means that tree tag can not be used on dynamic JSP pages? It is very poorly...

It means that I should create this tree manually But I can't reconstruct portal style exactly...

Message was edited by: Eugeny Balakhonov

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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But I have new problem. I want to catch click events on tree nodes in single method. I tries to add code like


for each node in my tree

But I can't receive node id in onSelectNode routine:

public void onSelectNode(Event event)




Event object hasn't any information about which node was selected and tree object hasn't information too.

I can't find any information in HTMLB documentation.

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You need to case the Event object to a TreeNodeSelectEvent so that you can use the method getNodeKey. Then, you can get the node from the tree using that key and get any more information you require


Answers (3)

Answers (3)

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I am grateful very much! Thanks!

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the problem in this coding is that id="eee<%= i %>" jsp expresssion - you can't put that together this way in jsp. A rtxprevalue must either be an expression or a fixed value, so this will be correct:

id='<%="eee"+ i %>'

Same holds for all the other attributes. In addition to this, you may have problems because of the multiple root nodes that you produce. You probably better loop inside a root treeNode tag, not inside the tree node tag itself.



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Why no generate the Tree using the Tree Model. By doing this you can have the logic for designing the dynamic tree in the controller class (DynPage or AbstractPortalComponent) and then the JSP page has a simple Tree tag pointing to the model

This should be documented in the PDK documentation on how to use models within DynPages

I hope this helps


Former Member
0 Kudos

You are very guru. Very very prise for this answer.

Why you write?

Why you do not go to Zappare

Former Member
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I was referring to Darrell Merryweather alias WHY