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How to start installing CRM, ERP and SOLUTION MANAGER on a VM

0 Kudos

Dear all,

It has been some years now that I installed a CRM and ERP system (this was in the days of dual stack ). Now I see that dual stack is depricated and that everything runs on a Netweaver base.

My question is now the following;

Can someone please tell me how to proceed to install these 3 SAP components on 1 server, each on its own virtual machine?

I suspect that I will first have to install the OS (RHEL 5.6 64 bit) and then I will have to install the DB (Oracle 11.2i). After this I start the installation of the SAP component or is there someting I need to do to get the Netweaver part on the server first?

And where can I find EXACTLY which files I need to download from the SAP site for each component, because the CRM part for instance has a ton of files and there is nowhere an indication that says '"this is the normal installation package".

Kind regards,


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> I suspect that I will first have to install the OS (RHEL 5.6 64 bit) and then I will have to install the DB (Oracle 11.2i). After this I start the installation of the SAP component or is there someting I need to do to get the Netweaver part on the server first?

not quite right.

You start sapinst, it will proceed a number of sections and then request you to install the database. Do not install the database before. This is also convered in the respective installation guide.

> And where can I find EXACTLY which files I need to download from the SAP site for each component, because the CRM part for instance has a ton of files and there is nowhere an indication that says '"this is the normal installation package".

This depends on how you use the CRM system, whether you use componnets, that require Java or not.

All that is covered in the installation and master guides. Yes, they are big and yes, they contain a lot of redundant information. But don't expect to start a program and do next-next-finish.

I would start with Solution Manager becaues you will need that system to generate installation keys for the other systems.
