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How to run multiple application on MI Client

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my problem is, what ever the application I exported previously,only that application could be run on my mi client.suppose if I exported second application previously,when I open miclient and try to run ,only that application is running. for other getting Page not found.Same case for all applications.What could be the problem.Pls give some inputs.



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How are you running the applications? From NWDS or Eclipse? I think when you run an application from there only the classpath of the selected application is loaded. You either have to include the classpath for both applications or run it normally (usig startup.bat for example).


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My problem is that

I have created CUSTOMEMPLOYEE and STANDARDEMPLOYEE application .The output of these two applications is also different when I click on individual application

My problem is that

When I am exporting CUSTOMEMPLOYEE application that application run very well but at the same time I am clicking STANDARDEMPLOYEE application it shows PAGE NOT FOUND

Similarly when I am exporting second application means STANDARDEMPLOYEE it will run very well but if I am clicking first application means CUSTOMEMPLOYEE it will show PAGE NOT FOUND .But I want output of first application at the time of click on first application at the time of exporting second application

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Page not found can be as well: have not precompiled JSP as generated WAR file - but check you other post as well

And please do not open 2 posts for the same issue



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Since I have created two project



For CustomEmployee project i have given application name as CustomEmployee application and for StandardEmployee project application name is StandardEmployee application

When i am exporting these two project separately output will be come .Since these two project's application now on MI client .

When i am opening my MI Client these two application i have seen .

Suppose last time i am exporting first project .In MI Client when i am clicking first application output is comining.

But click on second application in MI Client it will not show output (Since second project i am not exporting only first project i am exporting)

My question is that

Whenever we go through MI Client and click on any application ,output of that application must show whether it is exporting or not.

Please please give me answer in detail if it is possible or not to open aaplication directly through MI Client

This question comes in my mind bcoz in mobile OR PDA there is no NWDS to export application each time and see output.I think there is only list of application .

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Long time ago, I read somewhere that it is not possible to run 2 different smart sync applications on the same device. Do check out if there are any notes for it.

But iam not sure if thats the case now. Its just an info I read somewhere.

Best Regards,


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Edited by: Ruturaj Inamdar on Nov 18, 2008 2:59 PM

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you can run several apps n MI as long as they are Smartsync. There are some issues if you run Generic Sync and SmartSync at the same time, but these problems are because of sync and should not influence your behaviour actually.

Well, I would like to know if you see several folders in WEBAPPS folder of MI installation and if you have given different names to the apps that are returned insde by GETAPPLICATIONNAME. And the WAR file needs to have the same name as this GETAPPLICATIONNAME.

Well, I guess the issue is in how you add these apps to MI -could yu please describe a little bit better the process you follow.



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I have two different folders in my WEBAPPS folder and when i export these two applications individually from NWDS they are working fine and i get the expected output...

Note:- Here i have installed MI Client in Desktop..

and as i come to know that when we run our application in PDA where we do not have NWDS in the device where we have only MI Client..

so as i have only MI Client in my divice i will not export any application and i will directly go for synchronization with out exporting..

so at that time iam getting only one application output and the other appliaton is showing PAGE CAN NOT FOUND message..

so now how to get the output of the two applications which are in the MI Client.

Note:-My application name is same as WAR file name

Thanks and Regards


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Hi Oliver

I have developed my application on MI 7.0

My Steps are

1) First i have created SmartSync application and i have exported that application.

and as that is not registered with NWA it will direct to NWA and the .war file is generated in WEBAPPS

2)Then application of project is registered on NWA.

3)Now after registering application on NWA i am again exporting my project at that time i am able to check the check box Run the mobile application in NWDS

4)now i can export the application and it will direct me to MI Client and there i will sync the application 3 times to get the output.

it will automatically create a folder in WEBAPPS with the application name(.war name)

and iam using MI7.0

and i follow the same procedure for 2 different applications.

so in this senario as i have NWDS I can export my applications individually to get the output.

if i have only MI Client then i can not export the applications where i have to directly go for synchronization and in that situatuation i get only one application output ..

so give me some inputs to get the 2 applications output directrly from MI Client..

Thanks and regards


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please check your other message. If it does not help - try to get my in Skype or by phone to clarify where we talk a different language



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I had a similar issue, where I had pending requests in the monitor SMQ2 and these I was not able to get working properly. So I opened an OSS - they had a look and at the basic installation some necessary settings in some tables had not been installed. I guess if it is a similar issue like I have described it would be the best to shortly open a high OSS call, this should solve the issue the next day.



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
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I have two different folders in my WEBAPPS folder and when i export these two applications individually from NWDS they are working fine and i get the expected output...

Note:- Here i have installed MI Client in Desktop..

and as i come to know that when we run our application in PDA where we do not have NWDS in the device where we have only MI Client..

so as i have only MI Client in my divice i will not export any application and i will directly go for synchronization with out exporting..

so at that time iam getting only one application output and the other appliaton is showing PAGE CAN NOT FOUND message..

so now how to get the output of the two applications which are in the MI Client.

Note:-My application name is same as WAR file name

Thanks and Regards
