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How to open Windows command prompt from SAP RPA?

0 Kudos


I was trying to open a command prompt from SAP RPA using UIAutomation technology.

Even if I am capturing the command prompt, and giving its launch path properly, it is ending up in error.

My captured screen with UIAutomation technology looks like below:

And the workflow is as below:

When executing, I am getting an error in the start page saying no valid path provided:

Can someone please help me out what am I missing, and how can I call the Windows command prompt from SAP RPA?

Thank You.

0 Kudos

Hello subu_84

Even I'm facing the same error , Could you please tell how to rectify the error..

Thanks in advance.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


I would not recommend to capture the command line tool. If you need to execute some command lines, please see below :

var command = 'your command line here';
try {
    ctx.exec(command, 30000, function(res){ // timeout 30 sec
        // do some stuff once you get the response
}catch (ex){
    ctx.log(ex.message, e.logIconType.Error);

Please note this is an asynchronous call so you need to execute the next steps in the callback method



0 Kudos

can you help me out here .. I have a same requirement.

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
0 Kudos

Hi Rashmi,

The solution has been already posted and the answer has been accepted. If this solution doesn't help you, I recommend to ask a new question with your specific issue or requirement. Make sure you add all the information needed and think about posting a screenshot, too.

I further recommend to do this tutorial

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Regards, Svea

SAP Community Global Moderator

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