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How to open files in the model collection from the BPM Academic Initiative (BPMAI)?

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There is a clollection of models from the BPM Academic Initiative (BPMAI) in the link below:

It seems the .json files in the collection were created by Signavio toolset. I wonder if there's a way to transform these models into .bpmn format, as I want to represent models in BPMN?

I'd appreciate any comment in this regard.

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Thank you for the reply. I asked the support team and they did activate the feature for a month for me. But I'm still not able to import the json and their metadata files into the system. I put a few of the models (.json + .meta.json files) into a zip file (with .sgx extension), but when importing, it gives me the below error:

"The import has been canceled! The file is not a valid Signavio archive (SGX). Please select a file that was exported with Signavio."

I also tried with puting each model files in separate folders in the zip file, but the result was the same.

One thing I noticed is when I export for example a few bpmn files from the system as .sgx file, the content of the zip includes other files. Shouldn't I also provide such files along with the model files in .sgx?

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The SAP Signavio BPM Academic Initiative platform has a BPMN exporter. Subsets of the model collection can be imported as an .SGX archive file, which is essentially a .zip archive containing 'meta' and 'model' files. Note that there are file size limitations. Also, the corresponding feature is deactivated by default. You can request a temporarily activation of the feature at

Also note that the model collection is not provided by SAP. We intend to open-source a new, much larger collection of models soon. Then, we will also provide instructions that explain how the model collection can be used.