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How to link to a newsgroup thread?


As we are still waiting on the general newgroups data import, I would now and then like to link to threads from the SQL Anywhere newsgroups.

What is the preferred way to do so? - It doesn't seem too easy:

  1. A link with the original NNTP URL is not supported, AFAIK.
  2. A link to GoogleGroups (as in this answer) seems to work, however, I'm not sure whether all newsgroups contents is available there.
  3. A link to the Sybase web forum seems difficult, simply because I usually don't get the according link...and searching there is a NO-GO in my experience....

I should add that I usually need my NNTP client's "sent messages" folder to find the threads I had taken part in at all ... even Thunderbird's search facility usually don't lists those entries I'm looking for if I can't remember the subject exactly (and I usually can't).

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)



FWIW, as the NNTP newsgroups are announced to be EOL'ed on March 28, 2013, the complete contents is said to be archived in a web-accessable form here for all SQL Anywhere Forums.

Therefore, it seems to be quite easy to link to these sites, say, to this sample thread I once added:

SQL Remote: Encrypting messages with builtin functions like ENCRYPT()

Aside: I'm not yet sure whether searching within these archivs works better than with NNTP itself - IMHO, that was always a PITA, even with Thunderbird...

Answers (1)

Answers (1)


A Google Groups link is generally the 'easiest' to create, assuming the content you're interested in has been picked up by Google.

I typically have a bookmarked link to the Sybase HTML version of the Newsgroups, and I usually scan/copy the URL from there. (And yes, I also agree that the pages themselves can be difficult to navigate...)