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How to Insert binary data into table by using controls signature in HWC

Former Member
0 Kudos

In Hybrid Web Container(HWC),

I want to upload data of controls signature into DB Table.

First I created table which has column type binary in sampledb, and MBO.

Next created screen which has controls signature and menuItem to run create operarion.


After deployed these in sup, run application in workflow and wrote signature on this screen.

As a result to run create operation, "NULL" inserted into table.

run operation in not write signature, the column had "0x".



If binary data is not, Confirmed that data has inserted.

Please advise if there is anyway to accomplish this - Insert binary data into table.


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0 Kudos

As you've discovered, the Signature control does not use binary data, it uses a specialized string, which encodes coordinates of how the signature is drawn.

It should, in principle, be possible to have the Signature control instead display and store binary data, presumably the image of the signature.  If you look at the Signature control's implementation, you should be able to use HTML5's canvas and graphics support to store and display images, rather than strokes.  It is not supported out of the box, however, you'd need to either modify the existing control, create your own or use a third-party control/library.

0 Kudos

Hi Hideaki,

did you manage to resolve your problem? I am having same problem. I cannot find any information about how to capture the signature and send to database!!