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How to display the business exception in the image handling?

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Hi All,

I am working on Custom SAPUI5 Development, in which i need to display the image from the OData Service. I used sap.m.Image control to display the Image . I used the below code to set the image to the control.


var sNewURI = "/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZSERVICE_SRV/ImageSet(Guid=guid'" + sGUID + "',value2='" + svalue + "')/$value";

The above code is working, i can see the image in the application. and i set the Not Found Message in the sap.m.Image

alt property.

But in my application scenario, i have to display the proper business exception when the image is not loaded from the service.

So i tried to read the service and handle the error message in the alt property in sap.m.Image.

My code to read the Service:

oView.getModel().read("/ImageSet(Guid=guid'" + sGUID + "',value2='" + svalue + "')/$value", {
				success: function (oResults, oResponse) {	
				error: function (oError) {

In above code when some error happened in the back end, it successfully triggers the error handler, and i can see the proper business exception in the error details tag.

But for the Success also it is triggers the same error handler and i received the error message saying,

no handler for data.

Please help me sort out this issue.

Thank you,



Active Contributor

not an answer to your question but why not returning a dummy image in case you do not have one?

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0 Kudos

Hi jayakrishnan.chnadramohan,

You can try ajax call, being able to handle the error using that. Check the below code.


				type: "GET",
				url: "/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZGEPMGS002_SRV/" + key + "/$value",
				contentType: false,
				processData: false,
				xhrFields: {
					responseType: "blob"
				success: function (response, status, xhr) {
				error: function (oError) { 
					var sErrMessageXML = oData.response.body;