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How to Create Custom SAP Fiori Report Tile

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Fiori Reports are designed in a manner which not only help business users to query and build their reports but also allow the end users to create or post data directly into the system, eliminating the need to switch back to the GUI windows and enter the T-Code for running the transactions.

Opening SAP GUI and memorizing T-Codes would have been a tricky job for many end users when it comes to customers introduced to SAP systems.  Users can now search their favorite report names directly in the SAP Fiori Launchpad provided they have been enabled with the required authorizations and mapped to the respective catalogs. 

With the ABAP CDS developers, they can consume their custom created CDS models into the a Fiori Report and view it under Fiori Launchpad for advanced reporting. 

Lets say you've a custom CDS and you wish to create a Custom Fiori Tile. Below listed is a way on how to create a custom Fiori Tile within few minutes and deliver to your business users for their reporting needs.

  • Creating Custom Catalog


  • Look for the app technical catalog id and copy the same.
  • Open Fiori Designer (/UI2/FLPD_CONF) for cross client or (/UI2/FLPD_CUST) for client specific or can access from the Fiori Launchpad.
  • Once Fiori Designer is accessed, click on the ‘+’ button at the bottom left to create a custom catalog.



  • Enter appropriate name and id in the dialog box and select Standard/Remote as per requirement. This title will be used to find the catalog in further use and the combination of title an id will help security to map this with your account.



  • Once the catalog is created, paste the copied technical catalog id in the ‘search for catalog’ window and navigate to the required app.
  • For illustration, I’ve searched for SAP_TC_PS_COMMON catalog and used WBS Element Overview to create reference.
  • Click and hold the app, Create reference will get visible then, now drag the app and drop at the create reference box.  Repeat the same step for the Target Mapping to create reference else app won’t work.
    Once dropped it will pop up a dialog box to choose the destination catalog. Enter the title/name of the catalog you created and select it to have the app moved to the respective catalog.




  • This will conclude your custom catalog creation and collecting apps in the same.


  • Creating Custom Group
  • Once the catalog creation and app collection is done, switch the pane to group and click on the ‘+’ button at the bottom left to create custom group.



Steps are same as creating custom catalog, enter the title and id for the group to create your custom group. And you can select or deselect the option where users get access to personalize the group.Picture5.png

  • Enabling users to personalize their group is an optional step, if you wish not to enable then you can uncheck the box and save the group.
  • Once created, search your created group id in the search box and in the right pane click to find the ‘+’ button in show as tiles to add your app tile.



  • Click on the add tile button (+) and a new window will open, search for your catalog to add tile of the app.


  • Now once you’ve accessed your catalog, you will see that your referenced app is visible there but greyed out. Click on the ‘+’ button to add the tile in and this will make visible your app in the front end.

Ensure that the created Group is mapped to your user id by your SAP Security Team to view and access the report created.

Happy Learning! 🙂




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