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How to bind Smart table with XSODATA

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Hi Experts,

I am a new bee to SAPUI5 technology, i have a requirement where i need to bind Smart table with .XSODATA. As i was going through some blogs, Smart table is dependant on Metadata file, in order to populate the data in the Smart table, couldn't find any exact blog regarding it. Can you please guide me through this process.

Thanks in Advance.

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What you are looking exactly for? Just to bind the service to a smart table or to be able to define e.g. UI annotations which steer for instance which columsn are visible by default?

XSOData itself has no feature which supports e.g. UI annotations. You can either switch to the Cloud Application Programming Model (supported on HANA XSA too) or you create the annotations manually in WebIDE or Business Application Studio. Both provide some kind of annotation modeller functionality which allows you to create an annotation file for your service.