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how to access portal admin page without logging in.

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I plan to start modifying the login page. In case something goes wrong with the portal login page I modify, I need to have a way to access the portal administration console without having to log in. What is the URL for the portal admin page (where I can deploy par files etc) that does not require me to log in? Or at least requires me to log in without showing the standard login screen (that is specified in the authschemes.xml).

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
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One more option :

access system information page through :


which will authenticate you through basic authentication. It will not use standard portal login page.

Then in the same browser go to the


Since you are already authenticated, it will not ask you password....



Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


I assume that you are working on test portal.

Find which Iviews you will need in emergency case and add them to anonymous users and change authentication scheme to anonymous or basic authentication. Then you can access them through


It will ask you password in basic authentication or if you set anonymous it will not ask password.



0 Kudos


You can deploy a par file in many different ways:

1. Deploy from NetWeaver Developer Studio directly into a portal via the PAR Export feature.

2. Copy the par file into PCD directory on your server and restart for the changes to take effect.


Check the following link:


Praveen Gudapati

Former Member
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Hi Tiberiu,

SAP Note 869690.Will just help you sort things out if anything goes wrong ...



Former Member
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Hi Ajey , thanks for the OSS note. I tried the link mentioned in the note but it asks me to login. As I mentioned in my message, I need to be able to bypass the portal login screen in case it my changes make it unusable. I came up with a solution I think... I built a new Portal admin workset by copying the standard SAP workset and I enabled it to the anonymous users....

Former Member
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Hi Tiberiu,

Thats a nice way to do it!!! but the login page through which i suggested allows u to make changes in the rules and other settings as well.



Former Member
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which login page you refer to? in the OSS note you sent me, there is a link "http://<Host Name>:<Host Port>/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/

pcd!3aportal_content!!2fevery_user!2fgeneral!" that I tried it without success.