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How do I create two my inboxes for two systems.

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Hi Team,

I want  to maintain two separate inboxes for two back end systems. How can I achieve that.

I have tried two create two system aliases under TASKPROCESSING service. But due to some issues we are planning go with two inboxes that connect with two of the back end systems respectively but with different system aliases. How can I achieve this scenario. Could you please suggest.


Thank you


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi maybe you can try to build up two 'My Inbox' app tile in different role, then you following this blog to assign the role to different system aliases.
Active Contributor
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Hi Teja,

You will have to define only one MyInbox tile (makes sense for end users). The My Inbox connects with the TASKPROCESSING service on the gateway. If you assign 2 aliases to that service (like ECC and SRM / CRM) you can get workflow items from both systems.

You could extend the TASKPROCESSING service, but then you need to extend the MyInbox too (not a big deal ofcourse). First try to get a workflow item from both systems.


After reading your last reply, there are 2 options:
1) Create the user in both systems (CUA)
2) Create two tiles, create 2 services (one connected to ECC and the other to CRM), create 2 extensions.

I'd prefer option 1, since it is more user friendly and maintainable. I don't think you need to get more licences, but you should check it.



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Teja

To separate the inboxes, you need to create a Scenario Variant for My Inbox.

This will let you have 2 separate tiles - each with a parameter that points to a different Scenario Variant - that appear to separate the work for users. 

Refer to the App Documentation here:

Underneath it is all My Inbox so all work items are there. 

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Hi Jocelyn, In our case, will this work because we have two separate backend systems?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Teja, From what you have described you are setting up ONE My Inbox in your ERP system with 2 system aliases to integrate the tasks from 2 different systems in to the TASKPROCESSING service. So all work items are in ONE inbox. Scenario-specific tiles separate the work items visually based on task ids. Each system will have its own task ids. So yes this works. I'd suggest you just focus first on getting all the work items into one inbox, and worry about configuring the scenario-specific tiles later. .