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Formatting a word cloud in SAC.

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I have created a beautiful word cloud in SAC (impressed with myself as total newbie to R). Thank you to the contributors who assisted me in my endeavours.

However, the word cloud consumes a great deal of screen real estate. I can shrink the size of the widget, however, that also reduces the size of the content. Could I please have advice (relevant script) on how I can format the word cloud so that it fills the word cloud container.

I would also like more control over the colours assigned to the words (based on frequency, or proportion, or ranking of the measure). For example:

  • if rank is 1, 2, 3 then the words should be colour x,
  • if rank is 4-6, then the words should be colour y, etc
  • and if rank is > 20 then colour

In addition, is there a limit to the length of words/phrases that can be displayed in a word cloud? I have created another word cloud with phrases. Unfortunately, some of the phrases are being truncated.

I look forward to your good advice. Marea

I've included the code use to create the following word cloud;

#Code to show a wordcloud

#Attach the dataset

#Get Words
Opportunities$'Industry Type'=gsub(paste0('Totals',collapse='|'),"",Opportunities$'Industry Type')
#Opportunities$'Industry Type'=gsub(paste0('Not assigned',collapse='|'),"",Opportunities$'Industry Type')
#Opportunities$'Industry Type'=gsub(paste0('Aust. SME',collapse='|'),"",Opportunities$'Industry Type')
words <-Opportunities$'Industry Type'

#Get Frequency 
frequency <-Opportunities$'Count'

#Create the wordcloud
wordcloud(words,frequency, scale=c(5, 1), min.freq=1, max.words=30, random.color=TRUE, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.0, colors=brewer.pal(8,"Dark2"))

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Hello Marea,

Try the below code, this will assign color based on frequency. If you want to color on rank, you need to have a rank column in your data frame and change factor to rank instead of frequency.

wordcloud(words,frequency, scale=c(5, 1), min.freq=1, max.words=30, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.0, ordered.colors=TRUE, colors=brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")[factor(frequency)])
0 Kudos

Thanks Nikhil When I added ordered.colours= TRUE - I received an error message "Length of colors does not match length of words vector"

I'm note sure why?

Thanks Marea