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Fiori List report using CDS view with parameters and aggregation

Active Contributor

Hi all,

We are facing issues with the Fiori List report generated using a CDS view with parameters and aggregations. The OData generated for CDS works perfectly fine. We created a Fiori List Report in Web IDE using this CDS view (with parameters and aggregations). The report does not produce any output at all. I

To further clarify we have the following types of CDS views in our system

  • 1.CDS views with aggregations but no parameters – The Fiori list report generated worked as expected.
  • 2.CDS views with parameters but no aggregations – The Fiori list report generated did not work immediately. We followed the steps mentioned in the blog and it worked well.
  • 3.CDS views with parameters and aggregations – The Fiori list report generated did not produce any data instead throws the error as below. Note that the OData service for this CDS views works perfectly fine.

Has anyone tried creating Fiori list report using CDS view with aggregations and parameters? We do not want to use local annotations for these aggregations.

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Hi Sharadha,

I just encountered the same issue. Did you manage to get it working?



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You can solve it by converting the list report to Analytical List page

1. You can either create directly or right click-> Migrate to ALP in webide

2. If you want a table only view like a list report set "defaultContentView": "table" in manifest.json

3. You can switch of the segmented buttons to navigate to chart view in the onAfterRendering: function () by programatically setting setVisible(false)

Thanks and Regards


Active Contributor

Nice one Sujay, you could write a blog on this and share more details, which will be useful for a lot of ui5 folks 🙂

Hi Mahesh,

Thanks, yes will do a write up on this 🙂

Thanks and regards


Active Contributor

When you add parameter, can you run the cds from eclipse ? It requires an input. Similarly I am not sure if you can use this CDS directly, you have to create another CDS and consume it. CDS with parameters cannot be used directly as consumption view. It should be interface view.

Also you can always change table type from manifest.json file in the webide project.



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In manifest.json,

1. change the enitity set name and append Results.

2. Also add "considerAnalyticalParameters" to manifest.json

0 Kudos

@azmathshaikh Thanks. This worked for me. But it error out when i add intent navigation to my List report. Any options to overcome this issue is highly appreciated. Thanks.

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Hi sharadha.k,

I'm facing the same issue. Have you been able to solve it ??

Thanks and regards,


Active Contributor
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Well that totally depends on what type of table you have used. Are you using responsive or grid table ? Please note for aggregation grid table behaves good, as you can show total and aggregated value.

Also you have mentioned about error, I don't see any in the question, can you reattach the screenshot ?

Active Contributor
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Thanks for replying back. We get the error - The entity '$AE#CDS#CDS_ZSDV_ORDERDATA_3~zsdv_orderdata_3' was not found.

Unless I am missing something, Fiori list report template generates the UI elements automatically from the CDS view and its annotations. I am not sure how can i choose between responsive/grid table?

As mentioned above Fiori list report generated for CDS views with aggregations (without parameters) works perfectly fine. But when we add parameters to it (or the other way add aggregations to CDS view with parameters), it stops working.
