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Fiori List report - Case insensitive Filter bar

0 Kudos

Hi -

I have Fiori template based List report with XSODATA based oData service and have a filter bar with text filter ( Example - Customer Name).

Problem is filter is case sensitive and does not return results unless the exact text is typed in which is poor user experience.

Is there a way we can make filter bar case insensitive? any trick that may work on xs odata side or any API reference can be used in list report extensions ?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Tanveer,

HANA will issue a EQ statement on the field. So this has to be exact criterion. I couldn't find any xsodata definition parameter that would control/change this EQ to CONTAINS statements against the database source. So you will need to create an extension on the controller for the List Report and implement/change the filter that is being set before the odata service is called via controller method onSearch.

You could do it like:

var oFilter = new Filter("CustomerName", FilterOperator.Contains, sQuery);

Here are the docs for the Filter.

Another workaround is to change the query string to uppercase before it gets to be sent as query string to the odata.


0 Kudos

Hi Tanveer,

With reference to above answer from Ivan, you can refer this blog for more clarification on how to change query string before sending it to oData call : case-insensitive-filters-in-fiori-elements-list-report-cap

