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eTag handling not supported for http method 'POST'

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I'm working on a Kapsel Offline UI5 application using SMP I'm trying to post a batch or single record to ECC by using flush button but it throws me an error stating "eTag handling not supported for http method 'POST'". If anyone has encountered similar error, please let me know how to fix this. Thanks in advance.

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Hello Sandeep

Etags are supported by gateway, in order to use them you need to follow certain rules. Read the standard SAP help here and another great blog by Andre Fischer. If you have already followed the mentioned steps can you please attach the screen shots highlighting the details and what does /IWFND/error_log show details.



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nabheet.madan3 Sorry for the delayed response. I don't want to use the eTags. I’ve removed the header oHeaders['If-Match'] = "*" from the JSON Object and tried to do a POST Call and it raises an exception. I have attached exception-raised.png the call stack from the /IWFND/Error_log. Also I have attached the error error-displayed-in-app.png which is being displayed in the UI5 app.

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