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Errors while generating code using codegen.bat in SUP DOE co-innov platform

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Dear Siva,

1. We have done a model in DOE.

2. We have created a ESDMA with default projection.

3. We have download ESDMA Bundel then we have sucessfully deployeed in DOE connector. Now we are able see the deployeed package in SCC.

4. We have tried to genertate the code using codegen.bat. It generated code but it is show in 100 errors.

Errors while generating [Click here|]

5. Finally we are able see generated files in two folder

a.  <SUP install directory>\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\genfiles\cs.
 b. <ESDMA directory>\genfiles\cs

6. What are the next steps I need do. To make the generated code into MBO mobel in mobile development.

Could you please help to move forward..

Lakshman Balanagu

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same question as before - are you on latest patch levels and version? If you are not on SUP 2.0 and backend has DOE-Connector with latest SP, you will see mentioned issues. I had to either update my system to latest SP or install all necessary Notes to get this working.

Still we had to change a few files, cause some types where not matched - so if we create a data object with a line of type INT1, we got exceptions still. This was only solved by menual exchange. But to get to this point - please update system to latest version please!

Hope this helps!



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Oliver,

I am also getting close to 100 errors after generating the code. I am on SUP 2.0 with SUP2.0 DOE Connector.

The errors would look like as attached below.


sqls.add(@"create index if not exists ""rsankesdma1_0_customer_address

PSYNCKEY"" on ""rsankesdma1_0_customer_address""(""PSYNCKEY"")");



se\sap\rsankesdma\db\ ';' expected

sqls.add(@"create index if not exists ""rsankesdma1_0_customer_address

PSYNCKEY"" on ""rsankesdma1_0_customer_address""(""PSYNCKEY"")");



se\sap\rsankesdma\db\ illegal start of expression

sqls.add(@"create table if not exists ""rsankesdma1_0_customer_contact

"" ( ""a"" varchar(32) null collate nocase , ""b"" varchar(32) null collate nocase


And you said, you manually adjusted some files to get rid of this. Would you please share your inputs here?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Lakshman,

There are mobile application development documents available in articles section. you can take based on your app platform.

Thanks, Senti