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Error while fetching data from ECC,RUN-50406 |StoredProcedureExecutor|

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Hi Experts,

I have created task to upload [Currency ]data from ECC to IBP, have used the filter to restrict the values - TCURT.SPRAS = 'E' AND TCURT.WAERS IN ('CURRENCY1','CURRENCY2','CURRENCY3','CURRENCY4','CURRENCY5')

I receive the following error and the task is finished with errors.

RUN-50406 |StoredProcedureExecutor|TASK| Could not complete stored procedure "SAPHANADB."/IBP/CL_SAP_SFND_SOPINTEG=>SOPINTEG_DATA_UPLOAD_V1"" of application "SNOP" due to "Failed to run stored procedure for SAP DBTech JDBC: [257 ] : sql syntax error: "SAPHANADB"."/1BCAMDP/SOPINTEG_DATA_UPLOAD_V1": line 20 col 11 (at pos 784): "SAPHANADB"."/IBP/CL_SAP_SFND_SOPINTEG=>SOPINTEG_DATA_UPLOAD_INT": line 200 col 13 (at pos 9595): sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "EMPTY_STRING_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_COMMAND_OUTSIDE___ERROR__": line 1 col 1 (at pos 1)".

Can someone assist me to correct the error.

Thanks in Advance.


SendhilAzhagan K

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Hello Sendhil,

Please check, if you are passing any column with a blank or NULL value. Hence, the target column is not accepting. Please check, if you have mapped all the mandatory columns.

with regards,


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