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Error "GET sap-icon://travel-request net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME"

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I've got a Problem regarding Icons in UI5. If I test my Application in Eclipse (Eclipse as Webserver) all Icons are displayed well in my Browsers.

But If I Upload my UI5 App into the BSP Applikation on the Netweaversystem no Icons will be displayed.

In Chrome's Console I see the error message "GET sap-icon://travel-request net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME".

I use the Icon in a ToolPopup like this:

oShell.addToolPopup( new sap.ui.ux3.ToolPopup( { title : "Title", icon : "sap-icon://activity-individual" } ) );

Has someone an idea why the my isn't working on the Netweaver system? I already tried to load the Icon javascript functions via"sap.ui.core.IconPool");

best regards,


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There's a long-standing bug in Chromium regarding how links without protocols are handled. This error does not have a single solution till date because it arises due to a multitude of reasons. The ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME error is commonly because of your browser issue . There's no application on your device which can handle that particular action. It is a Chromium bug . In Chrome version 40 and up, this bug has resurfaced, but only if you are manually entering the URL of the redirect page in the address bar. The bug in chromium is responsible, yet everytime a patch is added to solve, the error finds a new way to resurface. The issue is on the chromium issue tracker here.

Common solutions:

  • Prefixing your links with http:// (or https://) should resolve the issue in some cases.
  • If Err_Unknown_Url_Scheme error occurs in mailto: or tel: links inside an iframe then you can try to add target="_blank" in your URL Scheme.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Harald,

the message sounds like the browser is actually trying to resolve and load the URL, when it is supposed to be handled internally by UI5, mapping it to an entry in the icon font.

This points to the possibility that the control where you are using the icon is not yet supporting icon fonts. Support has started in the sap.m library and then extended to the "desktop" controls recently, so indeed the cause could be two different versions (check in the ctrl-alt-shift-S popup).



Active Contributor
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could be a problem with the Ui5 version on the netweaver system..