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eInvoice Email-Process - Process Status is stuck on "Request Acknowledged" in the eDocument Cockpit

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Hello Experts,
we have the following Issue while implementing the Submitting Cross Industry Invoices per E-Mail (XML) | SAP Help Portal Process in our Pubic Cloud Edition System (its also a TDD system). 
We are able to create an invoice and view the corresponding eDocument as an XML in the eDocument Cockpit.
But after we submit the document for validation the status is stuck on the status "Request Acknowledged" and nothing further happens.
If we look up the same document in the peppol exchange app on our connected BTP where Cloud DRC is implemented, the status is "document pushed" and "prepare document for validation". 
Is there any way to troubleshoot this problem and find out why the eDocument is not processed further ?

For context: we have tried before, to test Sending and Recieveing eDocuments via the Peppol network as descriped in the following blog (End-to-end Testing using Peppol Exchange in SAP Do... - SAP Community).
Which also was not successfull because of a missing registration in the peppol network and now we wanted to the test this process after changing the relevant settings.

Thanks in advance for all suggestions.

Best Regards

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Dear Lukas,

thank you for reaching out to us. The status in the backend system shall update, to allow you further actions like sending the mail. If you have walked through the steps listed here Integrating Peppol Exchange with SAP S/4HANA Cloud | SAP Help Portal, and there is no error in the document monitor, and the document does not update in the backend system, please open an incident for component LOD-LH-DRC-PAP, so we can have a look into it.

For step Setting Up Connectivity | SAP Help Portal, please check the following instructions:

  1. In the BTP Subaccount, go to Connectivity -> Destination and go to "Certificates"
    1. Choose "Generate New Certificate"
      1. Certificate Name - any meaningful name
        File Extension PFX
        Remember the Password
    2. Select the new certificate in your destination to the backend system and provide Authentication "Internet" and "ClientCertificateAuthentication"
      1. your Certificate needs to be selected in "Key Store Location"
      2. Provide the Password from above.
      3. Save the Destination
      4.  Export the private certificate as PFX file
    3. Verify the path of your Destination, according to Creating Communication Arrangements | SAP Help Portal , ...Inbound Communication > Inbound Services | The system automatically creates the service URL when you create the communication arrangement. You must enter this URL in the Destination in SAP BTP. See Setting Up Connectivity....
  2. Open the certificate locally and import to your PC's key store
    1. provide your password when asked
    2. go to your local PC's Key Store ("Manage User Certificates" in Windows)
    3. find your certificate and export  it to your local drive
      1. do not export the private key
  3. In S/4 HANA Cloud Switch to your Communication System with Communication Scenario SAP_COM_0529 (the current Communication system for Peppol Exchange)
    1. upload the certificate to your existing Communication User
  4. Reprocess your Documents in the Peppol Exchange App.
  5. If you still receive the error, the Participant might have to be deleted and recreated



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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@Uwe_K Thank you for your help. I have double checked the settings and they seem to be correct. But since posting the question i found out, that the DRC Service we use is a test version and that we as a sender (and reciever) are not registered in the Peppol network and have only subscribed to the service (DRC and Peppol Exchange) on the BTP and added ourselfes as the only participant there. Could this be the cause of the issue ? We assumed that no registration in the Peppol Network is needed if we only use the Email Process, is this correct ?

Best regards


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear Lukas,

Having no participant activated in Peppol for the E-Mail scenario is perfectly fine.
For technical reasons, it must still be created in the Participants App, but nothing beyond that.
However, this should not be the root cause for your issue. The issue in your case is that asynchronous feedback messages related to the validation of invoice is not properly sent back to S/4 HANA Public Cloud. Usually this is either due to an incorrect Push URL maintained in the BTP destination or authentication issues with S/4 HANA Public Cloud.

Regards, Uwe

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Dear @Uwe_K ,
are there any settings/configuration for the validation of the XML on the BTP that i can check or is it a "black box" and we just send our xml and recieve it back in the eDocument Cockpit ?

I also noticed an error by me, when i said everything is correct. In the BTP under Connectivity/Destinations our Destination is configured with BasicAuthentication (User and Password) and not the certificate. Could this be the issue ?

Thanks again for the help.

Best regards

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear Lukas,

yes, you just send our XML and receive it back in the eDocument Cockpit, validated. Then you can send it via Mail or Peppol, depending on the process.

Having BasicAuthentication in the BTP Destination will definitely be an issue, as this is not supported with SAP S/4 HANA Public Cloud Backends. S/4 HANA Private Cloud or ECC Backends will work this way, via Cloud Connector.



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Dear @Uwe_K,
thank you again for taking the time to help. I have tried to implement the Authentication you have recommended via certificates as descriped here: Konnektivität einrichten | SAP Help Portal. But i am facing the following issue now. I have to upload a certificate in the Destination (under Step 3 on the linked SAP Help articel) and im not sure how to get this certificate. 
I tried using the Client-Certificate which i downloaded in the Communicationagreement app under "outgoing communication" but it has the wrong format, as i need a pfx. file (private key included) (Uploading a Client Certificate for the Cloud Edition | SAP Help Portal) and i can only get a .pem file. My second try was using the Certificate i can download from the "Managing Client Certificates" app but there i can only get a .crt or a .pem file. So which certificate is the correct one and how do i get it in the .pfx format  ?

Best regards

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear Lukas,

the documentation that you are referring to requires some rework, especially "You've uploaded a certificate to authenticate the cloud edition of SAP Document and Reporting Compliance. See Uploading a Client Certificate for the Cloud Edition."

Instead, please follow the instructions provided above that will generate you a new BTP Destination Certificate, that you can then trust in S/4 HANA Cloud.
You cannot use the S/4 HANA Cloud Client certificate here, as this is the certificate that is used for 1.) of the communication directions outlined, and not 2.), which is in scope of your question.
1. S/4 HANA Cloud (Private certificate of S/4 HANA) -> SAP DRC (via Service Binding and Public Certificate of S/4 HANA) > This direction is used for sending Invoices or Credit Notes
2. SAP DRC (private Certificate of the BTP Destination) -> S/4 HANA Cloud (allows authentication via Public Certificate of BTP Destination) > This direction is used to receive Message Level Responses, Business Level Responses, Incoming Invoices, Incoming Credit Notes and Schematron validation results


Regards, Uwe

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Dear @Uwe_K,
i have changed the settings but if i check the connection of the destination (with the certificate i created with your guide) i get the following message: "Connection to "0M5PLFE" established. Response returned: "401: Unauthorized",  thats why i tried to use the other certificate. I have also tried to reprocess the documents in the peppol exchange app but the "reprocess button" is grayed out and i cant click it. Does this mean i have to delete and recreate the participant ?

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