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Display blocker error message in WEBUI (via ABAP) during Change status in SAP Solution Manager

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I implemented the BADI CRM_ORDER_STATUS, in particular the method AFTER_CHANGE.

In this one, I have to write ABAP code to satisfy this requirement:

When a Change Document (CRM ORDER) change status from A to B (e.g.), for a particular condition I have to display a blocker error message that don't save last changes.

I tried with the following code, the message appears like ERROR but it's not blocker, the changes are saved anyway.

DATA:lr_message3 TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_message_service.
* get message instance
lr_message3 = cl_bsp_wd_message_service=>get_instance( ).

CALL METHOD lr_message3->add_message
iv_msg_type = 'E'
iv_msg_id = 'ZSM'
iv_msg_number = '000'.

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Hello antonio.zambito

Please write the same code in 'ON_SAVE' method and see if the pop up appears before saving the transaction.Let me know the results.Thanks,Vignesh