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Difference between XS classic and XS advanced


Hello Experts,

I checked everywhere and not able to understand the difference between HANA XS classic and HANA XS advanced, everyone tell bookish language the concept etc. but i want to know what exactly you cannot built on HANA XS classic and that you can built on HANA XSA, I know there are some more security features added in XSA.

Kindly provide me an example where XS classic cannot be used and that requirement can only be fulfill with XS advanced.

I have also completed Software Development on SAP HANA (Delta SPS 11) - Thomas Jung and Rich Heilman | openSAP but it was not clear from it that other than the security there is something else that we cannot built in the XS classic anyhow and XS advanced should be the only option, Kindly provide me any case like this.

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In SAP HANA, there are two different types of calculation views: XSC (classic) and XSA (advanced). Here are the key differences between the two:

  1. Development Environment:

    • XSC (classic): Developed using the SAP HANA Studio, which is an Eclipse-based IDE.
    • XSA (advanced): Developed using the SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA or other compatible web-based tools.
  2. Metadata Model:

    • XSC (classic): Uses a graphical interface for defining the data foundation, projection, and aggregation nodes.
    • XSA (advanced): Utilizes the Calculation Model Editor (CME) for defining the calculation logic, which allows for more complex calculations and transformations.
  3. Calculation Capabilities:

    • XSC (classic): Provides basic calculation capabilities like joins, filters, aggregations, and projections.
    • XSA (advanced): Offers advanced calculation capabilities such as decision tables, text analysis, time-dependent calculations, and integration with predictive models.
  4. Reusability and Modularity:

    • XSC (classic): Calculation views are stored as individual artifacts and can be reused across multiple applications.
    • XSA (advanced): Supports the creation of reusable calculation views, which can be used as building blocks for creating more complex views.
  5. Deployment Options:

    • XSC (classic): Can be deployed on SAP HANA XS (Extended Application Services) runtime.
    • XSA (advanced): Supports deployment on SAP HANA XSA (Extended Services Advanced) runtime, which provides additional features like multitenancy and containerization.

Overall, XSA (advanced) calculation views offer more flexibility and advanced features compared to XSC (classic) calculation views. However, it's worth noting that SAP has been transitioning away from the XSA development model in favor of the Cloud Foundry-based SAP BTP (Business Technology Platform) environment, which provides even more advanced development capabilities.