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Detail Navigation missing when i link a web page in the WPC Scenario

0 Kudos

Hi to all.

I had publish WPC site with the External Connector method.

I have some Web Pages linked in the Navigation Structure, when i link one of this from a internal link (for example in a List link or other) I displayed the page and the detail navigation is visible and the focus on the destination page is light.

Well, when I try to link a Web Page that not is linked in the Navigation structure (open it in the same page) the Navigation structure is missing.

Why? How i can leave the NAvigation structure and display the page?

Many thanks for your help in advance.

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Former Member
0 Kudos


this scenario is not supported by WPC. I think it was written somewhere (in a note or so). The problem is that if a page is not included in the navigation structure there is no navigation node associated. And so link to that page does not contain NavigationTarget therefore it does not trigger a real portal navigation but just displays the page in the iframe in which it has been fired. That means if you are using the standard framework page (i.e. with frames) page is shown in the inner most frame and the rest is untouched (side effect from which is that the TLN is not updated) and if you are using the light framework page after click the page is shown on the whole window as there are no iframes.

May be you would be able to work around this by selecting such page to be opened in pop up window. Other options exist but they are more complicated as solutions.

Hope that helps.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi preti,

Did u find a solution to this?....

If so, please share it with me.

0 Kudos

No, unfortunatly....

I have the same problem!