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Delta Infopackage failure

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How to do analysis when Delta Info Package failed ?

Can you please provide me end to end analysis process and resolution?

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There could be multiple reasons for DTP failures,

You can goto manage of dtp and expand particular data package which failed, from there you can see the exact message. Else from process chain monitor, you can right click on dtp and display message of dtp.

Most common error is due to invalid characters, You need to find the record from dtp message and edit from PSA and reload the dtp.

Please see these blog and help page for the details,

Handling of Data Records with Errors

Error Stack

How To Solve Error stack Dtp

Please share the details with exact errors if its not related to invalid character.



0 Kudos

Hi Bhavin,

I am asking about Delta Infopackage failure analysis and recovery not for DTP failure...

please provide the info...