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deleting tokens for multi input field in sap.ui table

0 Kudos

Hi experts,

I have a sap.ui table which contains value help for columns , when I wanted to delete table row the tokens which are selected in the that are coming again when I'm inserting new row on clicking button can someone please help me regarding this!

here the table

Controller code for delete button:

var that = this; var oTable,oModel; oTable = that.byId("tablesalescommsecpro"); oModel = oTable.getModel("SalesCommItems"); var aRow = oModel.getData().results; var rowIndex= oTable.getSelectedIndex(); var aContexts = oTable.getContextByIndex(rowIndex); var oThisObj = aContexts.getObject(); var index = $.map(aRow, function(obj, index) {
if (obj === oThisObj) { return index; } });
this.getView().byId("cpslblcomroutec").destroyTokens(); aRow.splice(index, 1); oTable.clearSelection(true); this.getView().getModel("SalesCommItems").refresh(true);Thanks,Chiranjeevi.

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