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Deactive feed creation for uploading a content (Jam)

0 Kudos

Hi all,

is it possible to manually deactive the creation of a feed in Jam when content is uploaded? Can I activate somewhere a similar functionality like the popups (question: minor / major change) when changing the group layout?

Best regards,


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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

No that's not possible.

What you can do though is the following:
If you are creating a new group, don't activate it yet. First, upload all your content, set up the group layout, maybe hide the feed from the overview pages, invite people to your group, and then activate the group.
This way the users will have a fully set up group available from the beginning.

In addition, you can always go back and manually delete the feed updates that you don't want.

0 Kudos

thank you for your response! What do I have to do in the scenario, you describing, if I want to have a feed in the overview but just for change after the activation of the group? Does the feed won't be created if it's hidden and in a phase before activation? So afterwards I just can show the feed and it won't be included the initial content upload of the group?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

As far as I know feed items are still created before activation. But you can manually delete the feed items you don't want, so that when you activate the group only those feed items are visible that you want to have there.

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