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Dashboard used on a wall mounted monitor/tv - Time out Issues

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I have seen this topic mentioned a few times however I have not heard of any production versions or issues with using Design Studio to build a dashboard which would be displayed for a defined period of time.

We created KPI dashboard using Design Studio 1.6 which is hooked into SBOP 4.1 SP7.  This dashboard uses the Design Studio Time to cycle through a dozen different pages and also graphs.  The problem we continue to face is either SBOP or Analysis will time out due to not activity.

We currently have the SBOP set to time out after 8 hours of login time.  The problem now is Analysis actually times outs with the message " The maximum idle time permitted between navigation steps was exceeded and the session has been ended. Restart the application."

I have reviewed the SAP Note 2059761 which talks about he Design Studio AddOn on BIP sessions Timeout article in detail. However based on this note there are two different timers to consider of which the interal timer is set to 30 minutes and the Tomcat bust be set to <30 minutes in order to avoid the above error.  With this setting a dashboard could only be displayed with no user interactions for 29 minutes or less.

Has anyone found a work around or a means to display a dashboard on a tv/monitor for a longer period of time; for example 8 hours.

Thank you

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Hi Chuck Baisden

Use a timer component and for every X seconds (or minutes depending on your requirement)

Assign an existing datasource to a dummy datasource using Assign Datasource API.

I have tried this scenario and it has worked.

Let me know if this works for you too.

- karthik S

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HI Karthik,

Not sure if you saw in my original post that we are already using the Timer component which is set at intervals of 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds) at which time I switch graphs and reload the data sources.  This works as planned until the 2 hour mark at which time I get the error message originally described.

Now if I understand your suggestion your saying to create a new datasource which is a "dummy" source; let's call this DS_2; since DS_1 is my current datasource.  The next step your suggesting is at the intervals I define in the time component (lets say 30 seconds) use the "assigndatasource" which would look like:

DS_1.assignDataSource("cuid:AWPA3A9QpZZLhAUbgq8nriE", DataSourceType.INFOPROVIDER, "DS_2");

I did attempt this and it had no change on the timeout which is occruing.  What is the data source of your connection that is working?

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Hi Chuck Baisden

Yes, I did understand your scenario. But I did the logic which I mentioned in my previous thread .. By using a timer component for every few seconds I re-assign a dummy data source with a query.

Dummy_DS.assignDatasource("cuid:AWPA3A9QpZZLhAUbgq8nriE", DataSourceType.INFOPROVIDER, Query Name);

This was working in my case, not sure why it dint help you.

The back-end in my case is BW.

- karthik S

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Hi Karthik,

Perhaps we can dive into this a bit more to understand your setup and the details.

1] Are you running in Local Mode or through SBOP?

2] How long does your dashboard run without error OR user interaction?

3] Is data source and Dummy data source both pointing to a BW system?

4] When you assign the dummy data source what CUID are you choosing? The dashboard one or your dummy one?

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Not sure if it might have something to do with the source but we have built a dashboard off MS SQL using the timer component and it does keep the session open while the refresh is triggered.

We are currently using this with no issues on a screen

Or it could be version issue we used the following

BOBJ 4.1 SP6

DS  Release 1.6 (Version: 16.0.5)

with a universe as the source

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How long is your dashboard running on the monitor with NO user interactions or mouse events?  I assume someone is initiating the dashboard and then it runs fo x minutes/hours?

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How about creating a dummy data source that loads quickly within seconds and reload it after every 20-25 minutes. You can use the timer component to trigger the reload.


Swapnil Koti

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Hi Swapnil,

See my response back to Tammy... already using the time component.

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What about your backend time out (assuming your datasource is SAP)?  On our system if you are logged on for more than 30 minutes without activity you will be automatically logged out

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Hi Tammy;  the backend connection is open for 480 minutes for this user.

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Another suggestion: what about building in a timer component to automatically refresh after 30 minutes?  See Event or Action on specific time interval | SCN

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Ahh yes the timer component..... I am already using the timer component to cycle through the 12 different graphs rotating at a 5 minute interval.  The rotation not only hides one graphs and shows another it also reloads the data source every five minutes.  It appears that these options to not constitute to being navigation steps for the internal DS timeout settings.