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Credential Store rest api returns 401 "invalid_client"


Hi Team,

We are trying to explore encryption of keys and our data using credential store and we have performed below steps.

1. We have created an instance of credential store.

2. We have created a namespace and key type is "keyrings".

3. Instance is binded to our application with json config


4. Generated singed JWT using "username","oauth_token_url" and "client_private_key" provided in the binding result

(environment variables) and this is successful.

5. Now using this JWT as "client_assertion" along with "username" as client_id, grant_type as "client_credentials" and "client_assertion_type" as "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer" to generate access token. But we are getting 401 Unauthorized with error

"errorCode": "invalid_client", "errorDescription": "Bad or missing credentials", "httpStatus": "UNAUTHORIZED"}.We are really stuck here as to where we are doing wrong and what what we are missing. Kindly suggest . screenshot-2022-06-27-at-23704-pm.png

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