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Creating a jdbc connection to HANA with Powerdesigner 16.5 SP04 (64bits)

0 Kudos

Hi Experts.

I am miserably failing while trying to setup a connection in PowerDesigner to HANA.

Here is the Connection Profile I am using :


And then test connection Fails !

("Could not Initialize JavaVM!")

I also tried the Import wizard : I am successful in visualizing Packages, Views, Schema, tables... ( It takes quite a while to retrieve all this) And then clicking on 'Finish', I get the frustrating message :

... And also

Could not Initialize JavaVM!

Thanks for your help !

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Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Stephane,

Have you installed Java in your machine? and you should make sure your JAVA_HOME is workable.

Best regrad,


0 Kudos

Thanks to take on my problem Lucy.

Java is installed on my laptop, as it seems : I have java jre1.6.0_24 in my Program Files(x86) directory. It's an old version - but then authorized by my company... And it answers fine to the test on java website.

How can I 'make sure my JAVA_HOME' is workable ?

Thanks for your help.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Stephane,

If the Power Designer you installed is 64bit, which located Program Files, then your java for x86 can't be used by Power Designer.

To set Java installed location in Path of Windows system environment variables , and you can set JAVA_HOME either. Then run cmd, input "java -version", you can see your java version is being used.

