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Could Not Read Import Queue MIP

0 Kudos

Hi Mates,

Our ABAPers created a new TR and informed me Transport that TR to QAS aand PRD.

I transported the TR to QAS and it got imported. However when i tried to forward the TR to PRD i am getting the above error.

   We restarted all the SAP systems yesterday and i had got a error saying cant reach the landscapre directory.However when i checked the transport tool i got the message saying the tp profile has an invalid format.

   I ran the tcode TU02 in SAP and saw that some parameters have changed automatically.How can i check and correct.

In the parameter DIR_EPS_ROOT and DIR_TRANS the name should have been \\SYSTEM Name\sapmnt\trans\EPS

but it has changed to \\50\sapmnt\trans\EPS. Why it has changed to 50?? can anyone provide me solution how to correct.



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Please try from OS level.

TP addtobuffer and tp import.



0 Kudos

Hi Gangineni,

Please can you provide in more detail about how to release tr from QUA and import to PRD at OS LEVEL.


Adarsh B J

0 Kudos

go to buffer dir

tp addtobuffer  <TR number>  <sID>  client=XXX pf=<profile>

tp import <TR number> <sID>  client=XXX pf=<profile>

if you are not able to release the TR please copy the error.

I will check and let you know.



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Could you suggest me some methods to check SSFS DB Connections??

Follow SCN thread

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Recently i viewed your other thread

Communication error, CPIC return code 017, SAP return code 236

Both threads are interlinked with each other,suggest you to follow revert from

first & if possible share complete details in terms of Host names,SID's of the systems in your landscape.

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RSecSSFsGetRecord(DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_USER)=1 : Record with key "DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_USER" not found in secure storage <-- Data file "\\MIGPRD\sapmnt\MIP\SYS\global\security\rsecssfs\data\SSFS_MIP.DAT" does not exist or cannot be opened for read (this is not an error per se: a non-existing data file is a valid situation and treated equally as one without entries)

No doubt it's an issue with SSFS connections here,but one more thing which is confusing me

1.As per trans.log you're not able to connect with DB

(** ERROR => Connect to R/3 failed. USERID and/or PASSWD could not be retrieved from SSFS)

2.You're sharing parameter value snap shot from the system.How this is happening on ?

Suggest you to first verify this confusions & then check SSFS DB connections.

Good luck !!

0 Kudos

Hi Gaurav,

Could you suggest me some methods to check SSFS DB Connections??


Adarsh B J

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Adarsh,

From the last snap shot which you shared,i would like to analysis tp system logs,trans.log file by executing R3trans -d & the parameter value for SAPSYSTEMNAME ( Generally issue comes when system is running with wrong values of parameter ).


0 Kudos

Hi Gaurav,

I am providing the trans.log file below and i am also attaching the parameter value for SYSTEMNAME.


4 ETW000 r3trans version 6.24 (release 740 - 04.02.14 - 20:14:02 ).

4 ETW000 unicode enabled version

4 ETW000 ===============================================

4 ETW000

4 ETW000 date&time   : 19.05.2015 - 13:46:23

4 ETW000 control file: <no ctrlfile>

4 ETW000 R3trans was called as follows: r3trans -d

4 ETW000  trace at level 2 opened for a given file pointer

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Tue May 19 13:46:23 2015                                               17849  0.017849

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  db_con_init called                                                        35  0.017884

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  set_use_ext_con_info(): ssfs will be used to get connect information

4 ETW000                                                                                                2946  0.020830

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  determine_block_commit: no con_hdl found as blocked for con_name = R/3

4 ETW000                                                                                                  29  0.020859

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  create_con (con_name=R/3)                                                 16  0.020875

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Loading DB library 'dbsybslib.dll' ...                                    37  0.020912

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  DlLoadLib success: LoadLibrary("dbsybslib.dll"), hdl 0, count 1, addr 000007FCB2E10000

4 ETW000                                                                                                1560  0.022472

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]      using "D:\usr\sap\MIP\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\dbsybslib.dll"               31  0.022503

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Library 'dbsybslib.dll' loaded                                            29  0.022532

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function DbSlExpFuns loaded from library dbsybslib.dll                    27  0.022559

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Version of 'dbsybslib.dll' is "740.10", patchlevel (0.53)                382  0.022941

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function dsql_db_init loaded from library dbsybslib.dll                  589  0.023530

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function dbdd_exp_funs loaded from library dbsybslib.dll                  32  0.023562

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  New connection 0 created                                                  46  0.023608

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = -000000001, state = DISCONNECTED, tx = NO , bc = NO , oc = 000, hc = NO , perm = YES, reco = NO , info = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO , prog = 

4 ETW000                                                                                                  46  0.023654

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  db_con_connect (con_name=R/3)                                             35  0.023689

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  determine_block_commit: no con_hdl found as blocked for con_name = R/3

4 ETW000                                                                                                  30  0.023719

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  find_con_by_name found the following connection:                          22  0.023741

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = 000000000, state = DISCONNECTED, tx = NO , bc = NO , oc = 000, hc = NO , perm = YES, reco = NO , info = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO , prog = 

4 ETW000                                                                                                  41  0.023782

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_con_info_ssfs(): reading connect info for connection R/3             28  0.023810

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_con_info_ssfs(): DBSL supports extended connect protocol             46  0.023856

4 ETW000                         ==> connect info for default DB will be read from ssfs

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_con_info_ssfs(): profile parameter auth/shadow_upgrade is not set ==> connect info for shadow upgrade will not be read with an extra upgrade key set

4 ETW000                                                                                                  26  0.023882

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_con_info_ssfs(): register callback ssfs_dbi_trace and max level 2

4 ETW000                                                                                                 125  0.024007

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Entering function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" [D:/depot/bas/740_REL/src/krn/rsec/rsecssfs.c 874]

4 ETW000                                                                                                 937  0.024944

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Configuration data read from environment parameters [D:/depot/bas/740_REL/src/krn/rsec/rsecssfs.c 4448]

4 ETW000                                                                                               28992  0.053936

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Data file "\\MIGPRD\sapmnt\MIP\SYS\global\security\rsecssfs\data\SSFS_MIP.DAT" does not exist or cannot be opened for read (this is not an error per se: a non-existing data file is a valid situation and treated equally as one without entries) [D:/depot/bas/740_REL/src/krn/rsec/rsecssfs.c 2556]

4 ETW000                                                                                                 230  0.054166

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Record with key "DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_USER" not found in secure storage [D:/depot/bas/740_REL/src/krn/rsec/rsecssfs.c 2559]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  36  0.054202

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Exiting function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" with return code 1 (message: Record with key "DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_USER" not found in secure storage <-- Data file "\\MIGPRD\sapmnt\MIP\SYS\global\security\rsecssfs\data\SSFS_MIP.DAT" does not exist or cannot be opened for read (this is not an error per se: a non-existing data file is a valid situation and treated equally as one without entries)) [D:/depot/bas/740_REL/src/krn/rsec/rsecssfs.c 942]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  63  0.054265

4 ETW000  [dbcon.c     ,00000]  *** ERROR => read_ssfs_record(): RSecSSFsGetRecord(DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_USER)=1 : Record with key "DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_USER" not found in secure storage <-- Data file "\\MIGPRD\sapmnt\MIP\SYS\global\security\rsecssfs\data\SSFS_MIP.DAT" does not exist or cannot be opened for read (this is not an error per se: a non-existing data file is a valid situation and treated equally as one without entries)

4 ETW000                                                                                                 312  0.054577

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_con_info_ssfs(): deregister callback ssfs_dbi_trace                  14  0.054591

4 ETW000  [dbcon.c     ,00000]  *** ERROR => Connect to R/3 failed. USERID and/or PASSWD could not be retrieved from SSFS

4 ETW000                                                                                                  20  0.054611

2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = SYBASE --- "


I require your urgent help because important Trs need to be moved to PRD.


Adarsh B J

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Adarsh,

The error is cleary with the file system access.

message: Record with key "DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_USER" not found in secure storage <-- Data file "\\MIGPRD\sapmnt\MIP\SYS\global\security\rsecssfs\data\SSFS_MIP.DAT" does not exist or cannot be opened for read (this is not an error per se: a non-existing data file is a valid situation and treated equally as one without entries)

Can you run the \\MIGPRD\sapmnt\MIP\SYS\global\security\rsecssfs\data\

and update us if your able to do so. also try it from different server also you may be asked for the user id/password where you can provide your SIDadm.



0 Kudos

Hi All,

When i try to run STMS_IMPORT in PRD i am geting the following screen.

Can i get some information from this.


Adarsh B J

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


It should not have been \\50\sapmnt\trans\

but it should have been \\MIGPRD\sapmnt\trans

Could you share permissions & ownerships of directory


This could also be the reason of above issue.


0 Kudos

Hi Gaurav,

I am not coming to know where is this directory 50..



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Are you able to locate the location 50 or MIGPRD in your network ? Please share the results of ping command for host 50 or MIGPRD. I doubt on the path shared here.


0 Kudos

Hi  Sriram,

I also checked the directory file and i am getting the error:

Wrong order of calls <- CALL opendir(,,..)


Adarsh B J

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Adarsh,

is the mount point correct \\50\sapmnt\trans\?

do you have server with the name 50?

try to access the path \\50\sapmnt\trans\ and paste the output.

With Regards

Ashutosh Chaturvedi

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


1.  50 is physical server name of SAP SID MIS ?

2. Check the where your are define the 50 ?

3. Could you share your basis support package level?



0 Kudos

Hi Ashutosh,

It should not have been \\50\sapmnt\trans\

but it should have been \\MIGPRD\sapmnt\trans. Can you please give me solution..i am not able to find that path.

Former Member
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Hi Adarash,

Have you checked the path under in manage option of your right click my computer--> Manage--> system tools--> shared folders --> shares.

Do verify that and update us as i belive the share drive is wrongly defined in your case for Trans.

Also do verify your profile for DIR_EPS_ROOT and DIR_TRANS if its taking any different values and you can mentioned those.

And have you mapped the network drive as a letter or someotherway.



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Hi Sriram,

I checked the TMS domain and i am getting the following error.


Adarsh B J

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Adarsh,

from the screenshot the STMS configuration is not consistent.

So verify if your DIR_EPS_ROOT and DIR_TRANS  is readable and executable from the Production system.

And check the transport tools again. Cause its pretty clear that the tp profile is not readable from the screenshot.

Also is it a windows envirment and from the share \\50\sapmnt\trans\EPS looks like your shared drive has been changed. so get in touch with your windows admin to correct the same.

Normally the shared drives goes by FQDN but prefix is 50 so its bit unusual check how the shares are defined. you can search those in manage option of your right click my computer--> Manage--> system tools--> shared folders --> shares

Let us know if this helped you.



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1. From your TMS domain what is the status of the landscape systems?

2. Check the TRANSDIR folder path in Domain controller.