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Connection to MDM server fails from java code

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi folks,

I have gone thru the webex and pdfs for MDM java apis.

My app is very simple for now:

connect to MDM server on the same box where the

j2ee engine is running and portal too.

1. The following api passes, good news...

>>>> connectionFactory =

(IConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup("deployedAdapters/MDM Factory/shareable/MDM Factory");

2. This api also passes, more good news...

>>>>>>> spec = connectionFactory.getConnectionSpec();

3. These APIs are trouble-makers.....not good news...


spec.setPropertyValue("UserName", "Admin");

spec.setPropertyValue("Password", "");

spec.setPropertyValue("Server", server);

spec.setPropertyValue("Port", port);

spec.setPropertyValue("RepositoryLanguage", "English [US]");

//Get the Connection

connection = connectionFactory.getConnectionEx(spec);


MDM console shows "TestMDMrepos" is loaded and running

on my box.

In the code above: server and port are variables.

Variable server is assigned to my box.

Variable port is 2000 for "TestMDMrepos" repsository.

MDM client connects successfully to "TestMDMrepos"

with Admin userid and blank password.

For server variable, I have tried 3 things:

actual box name, locahost, TestMDMrepos.

None of these are working.




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Former Member
0 Kudos

HI Shashank Date,

could you please tell me where to find pdfs for MDM java apis.

Former Member
0 Kudos


You can find it in the SAP Support Portal.

Go to: Release & Upgrade Info -> Installation & Upgrade Guides -> SAP NetWeaver -> Release 04 -> Operations.

Expand the "SAP MDM" node, and there you'll find "MDM 5.5 SP03 - API Reference Guides".



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Shashank!

The 'Server' property should indicate the name of the <u>MDM Server</u> which the repository is loaded on.

You would probably want to use the same server name you've mounted in the <b>MDM Console</b>.

You can find it on the left pane of the Console ('<i><b>Console Hierarchy</b></i>' pane) under the '<i><b>SAP MDM Servers</b></i>' root node.

Anyway, using the repository name (<i>TestMDMrepos</i>) won't work...

If you need any further assistance, just ask !

Hope this helps,
