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Connecting SAS file Using IDT JDBC Connection

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All

Please can anyone provide detailed steps to be followed to create JDBC connection using SAS file in IDT. For ex: we have SAS file in local drive(saved at deskop named "Sample_File" and we are trying to use the same. I have seen other articles in scn but they seem to refer to user guides for IDT and Data federator which is not exact answer I am looking here. I am sure someone knows the steps here to sort this out.

Please can someone confirm which JAR file we need to copy and where along with below details to be used for New Relational Connection i.e Generic JDBC connection JDBC URL, JDBC Class, Username/password etc (assuming SAS file is in our local desktop which we are trying to connect using JDBC in IDT)

Thanks in advance...



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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I have a feeling you're not explaining what you're trying to do correctly.
Are you trying to use JDBC connection to connect to SAS file ?
Or use SAS file to define JDBC connection in IDT ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Guys

Please can someone help here.

