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Combining Multiple Wildcard Searches in Same Report

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Hello Community,

What is the correct way to combine multiple wildcard searches to produce all of the results I need when running a report in WEBi? For instance, I need to gather all inventory numbers beginning with 'AB', but also all inventory numbers beginning with 'CD', 'EF', and 'GH'. The screenshots below are two ways I have tried this, but the report always returns back no results at all. Thank you for your support!




Here is an updated screenshot as to where I'm able to get it to. I cannot double-click on the 'AND' to change it to an 'OR' though. Thanks again for taking a look!





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0 Kudos

You are not looking for a row that matches all of those patterns so just add each of your conditions with an OR instead of an AND.  There is no reason to group them.  You want:

   Inventorynumber matches pattern "AB%"
OR Inventorynumber matches pattern "CD%"
OR inventorynumber matches pattern "EF%%"
0 Kudos
This is the error code I get when changing the condition to 'OR'. It will not allow me to change the outer 'AND'
0 Kudos
"Query script generation failed. See your administrator. Binary node has 0 children"
0 Kudos

Sorry for all the revisions.  Its actually the ANDs between each condition that don't belong.  Once you remove those, you should be able to double click and change that AND to an OR.  It sometimes is easier to remove all the conditions and add them again the way you need them. You only need the 3 conditions with an OR at the left.

0 Kudos
I'm having a very hard time trying to get that outer 'AND' to disappear. When I try and drag it to the left, it grabs the whole lot of objects I'm trying to tie together. When I try and add the conditions one by one, it automatically creates an outer 'AND'. Question as to why separating them by a semicolon in the same box does not work? For example, 'Matches Pattern' + 'AB%;CD%;EF%' Thanks again!
0 Kudos
Unfortunately, I cannot get that outer 'AND' to change to an 'OR' for the life of me. I double-click it, I've tried to highlight it and press 'Enter'. Nothing seems to work. Is there perhaps another alternative to achieve my desired results?
0 Kudos

When you use the semi-colon there, it includes that as part of the pattern. Matches Pattern only accepts 1 value. I cannot explain how the extra ANDs are getting there. Simply dragging your object into the filter area 3 times, setting each to matches pattern, and then setting each ones pattern, should be all you need. Then double click the one and only AND to change it to an OR. Your original screen capture has 3 extra ANDs between each condition with nothing associated with them. It should look like this:



0 Kudos
Yeah, it's really bothesome why I cannot double-click on the outer 'AND' to change it to 'OR'. I have tried everything and it will not change. Thank you for your support though.
0 Kudos
Can you post another screen shot. You should only have 1 conjunction. Its that conjunction that needs to be an AND.
0 Kudos
Thanks drs_macgyver. I edited my orginal post and included a new screenshot. I was not able to paste my screenshot in the 'Comment' box. Much appreciated!
0 Kudos
I can't explain this. You are also missing the handle (4 vertical dots on the left side of each object), that allows you to drag the object up or down. I suspect we are on different versions of BO and I have never encountered this issue. Maybe someone else has that can help.
0 Kudos
Thank you again for reaching out. I will try and find a work-around but I do appreciate your help! Take care!