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Chart Formatting w/ Alternating Shades

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello there...

I have a request from my client to format the chart background (not the entire chart but the area covered by the major and/or minor grid lines) in a way that matches to the formatting applied on report (Alternate Shading).

I checked all that I know of; I may be missing something.

Is it possible to format the background of the chart area (the area covered by Grid Lines) with Alternating Shades as done in reports (RecordNumber mod 2...kind of).

If the answer to the above is YES, then please help me do it by either pointing to the specific thread or with a write-up.

Your help is Much Appreciated and thanks in advance


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Active Participant
0 Kudos

I cannot point you to a thread or write-up... but maybe you can experiement with the following possiblities, using the fill

pattern or the fill picture (requires you to first create a picture of the alternating shades):

Chrystal XI:

in your Chart right-click on the background and select "Format Chart Frame"

go to the Fill Tab

select either Pattern or picture....

hope this will help